Welcome to Raj Saubhag Africa
East Africa has long been blessed with regular visits by Param Pujya Bapuji and now Param Pujya Bhaishree. With regular swadhyays happen every week, we welcome you to join in satsang.
Contact Us
Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal UK: Africa
P.O. Box 11097, Nairobi 00-4-00, Kenya
Contact: Mr Nemchand Shah
Tel: +254 73 720 2481
Email: kenya@rajsaubhag.org
Website: www.rajsaubhag.org

Kenya Dharmayatra 2023
Param Pujya Bhaishree is visiting Kenya on a Dharmayatra from 4th - 17th May 2023. We welcome all to join in Satsang.
For more information and Shibir registration contact:
Nemchandbhai Shah: +254 737202481
Harshidbhai Shah: +254 732856856
Deepak Kothari: +254 722 722089
Nilpa Shah: kenya@rajsaubhag.org
Samya Shatak - A Shibir on the Equanimity
Param Pujya Bhaishree embodies and equanimity. His life journey has involved a quest for it, realising it within and then compassionately sharing the insight and secrets of equanimity he had gained on the way.
The highlight of his visit to Kenya in May will be the shibir. For five full days you will have a chance to hear his insights on a scripture known Samya Shatak, written by Acharya Shree Vijaysinhsuriji Maharaj .
This deeply profound text takes us to the pinnacle of equanimity. The exquisite nature of the text is such that Upadhyay Shree Yashovijayji Maharaj based his text of Samta Shatak based on this. This gives us some indication to the amazing inner state of experience Shree Vijaysinhsuri Maharaj must have.
Param Pujya Bhaishree will share his wisdom in his soft, humble and insightful way. He will draw on practical examples from everyday life to demonstrate how they betray our inner inclinations. His swadhyays are compassionate and often humorous as he engages with us.
He never points a finger or speaks down as if from a lofty pedestal. While deeply immersed in the experience of his soul, it is as if he is sharing our journey.
All are Welcome
Registration Required