Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram publishes a quarterly Gujarati magazine titled ‘Sadguru Prasad’, featuring:
texts of Param Pujya Bhaishree’s swadhyays
articles on various adhyatmic concepts
English section of articles
institutional news of past events
details of planned future events
the institution’s calendar
Latest Sadguru Prasad Magazine
Issue 106
June 2024
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains Letter 506 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai shares an article titled ‘વૈરાગ્ય કેમ વધે ? તે માટેની સુવિચારણા’ inspiring contemplations to help us increase our state of detachment. Br, Vikrambhai shres his insights on Mother’s Day. Param Pujya Bapuji’s explanations on Shree Anandghanji Pad: ‘જીવ જાને મેરી સફળ ઘરીરી, and Sant Chotam Pad ‘રોમે રોમે ચઢે, રામરસ રોમે રોમે ચઢે’ are included as well as a wonderful compilation of quotes and contemplations from Param Krupaludev, Prabhushree (from Updeshamrut) and Shree Brahmchariji.
We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben and Br Vikrambhai, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
All the articles are extremely inspiring and we would encourage you to explore, study and reflect. સાધકને બધાં લેખમાંથી કંઈ ને કંઇક સાધનામાં ઉપયોગી બોધ મળશે, તો જરૂર વાંચશો.
Previous Sadguru Prasad Magazines
Issue 105
March 2024
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains Letter 170 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
The inauguration and prathishtha ceremony of the newly constructed Jinalay at Sayla ashram was conducted with puja, bhakti, inner awareness and outward joy, during Param Pujya Bapuji’s 5 day Birth anniversary celebrations. The event blessed by the divine presence of Param Pujya Bhaishree and Acharya Yashovijaysuri Maharaj Saheb is chronicled day by day by Bhavanaben Ambani and a photo gallery brings the colourful event to life. Br Lalitaben writes an article titled ‘બે દ્રવ્યની ભિન્નતાનું ભાન’, understanding the difference between soul and matter, and Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article titled ‘ૐ તત સત’.
We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 104
December 2023
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 500 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Param Pujya Bhaishree’s 80th Birthday year completion - 5 day celebration is brought to life in a photo gallery, alongside Param Pujya Bhaishree’s Birthday Ashirvachan and Param Pujya Guruma’s birthday dedication by Br Minalben. The celebration events are chronicled, which included Bhaishree’s swadhyays, the launch of the film: ‘Bhaishree, The Epitome of Compassion’ and the book: ‘Nectar’ which contains the English translations of Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut special letters. There was also the inauguration of the ‘Shrimati Sadgunaben C. U. Shah Auditorium and Library in Surendranagar and the sthapna of chitrapats at Param Pujya Chhotabapuji’s house.
There are insightful articles on the on the Diwali Celebrations and Param Krupaludev’s Janmadin by Ritaben Doshi and Bhavanaben Ambani. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Br Vikrambhai, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 103
September 2023
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 497, 498 and 505 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai writes an inspiring article: 'પરમાર્થનું ગૂઢ રહસ્ય', the deep insights of parmarth. Br Lalitaben writes on ‘સ્વની ઓળખ’, the identification of the self and also ‘વેદના વખતે જાગૃતિ', awareness during suffering. Br Rasikbhai Patel shares his inspiring insights on the Aath Drashti, ‘પરમતત્ત્વની અપૂર્વ જિજ્ઞાસા’ and ‘યોગ શું છે?’, what is yog?.
There are articles on the deep insights Bhaishree shared during the Gurupurnima Mahotsav in July, and Paryushan Mahaparva by Ritaben Doshi and Bhavanaben Ambani. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Br Vikrambhai, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 102
June 2023
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 495 and 496 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai writes an inspiring article: 'પરિભ્રમણ કરાયું તે કરાયું, હવે તેના પ્રત્યાખ્યાન લઈએ તો?' inspired by Vachanamrut letters 128. Br Lalitaben writes on ‘જડ - ચેતનનું ભેદજ્ઞાન’, the realisation of the separation between the external and consciousness. Br Rasikbhai Shah shares his insights on Vachanamrut letter 80.
There are articles chronicling Param Pujya Bhaishree’s recent Kenya and UK Dharmayatras as well as a written account of the beautiful blessing or ashirvachan that Param Pujya Bhaishree shared on the occasion of Gurupurnima. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Br Vikrambhai, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 101
March 2023
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 494 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai writes an inspiring article: 'સુધાને વિષે અમને સંદેહ નથી, તમે તેનું સ્વરૂપ સમજો અને ત્યારે જ ફળ છે' inspired by Vachanamrut letters 308, 471, 165, 247, 492, 200, 265, 954 and 541. Br Lalitaben writes an awakening article on ‘મોહરાજાનું સામ્રાજ્ય’, the empire of Mohraja. Br Rasikbhai Shah writes ‘અંતરના દ્વાર ઉઘાડો‘, open your inner door. Br Vikrambhai writes about Acharya Bhagwant Shree Vijay Hemvallabhsurishvarji Maharaj’s jatra and vihar stop at Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram: ‘માથે મારો 'નેમ' છે, હાથે મારો 'હેમ' છે એટલે જ હૈયામાં 'હામ' છે’.
Ritaben Doshi writes an article chronicling the three day celebration of Param Pujya Bapuji’s Birth Anniversary and Jayeshbhai Deliwala writes a moving dedication to Param Pujya Bapuji. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Br Vikrambhai, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 100
December 2022
In this landmark 100th issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree, Br Minalben and Br Vikrambhai mark the occasion with their blessings.
This issue contains Param Pujya Bhaishree’s explaination of letter 522 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut. Br Deepakbhai writes an article: ‘સમાધિભાવ’ inspired by Vachanamrut letter 223.
Ritaben Doshi and Bhavnaben Ambani write inspiring articles and quote Bhaishree’s blessings on the occasions of: New Years Day, Param Krupaludev’s Birth Anniversary on Kartiki Punam, Param Pujya Bapuji’s 25th Samadhi Anniversary, Param Pujya Bhaishree & Param Pujya Gurumaa’s Birthday celebration, the celebration of Chandrakantbhai Vyas’ 50 years as an educator, the 33rd Sahitya Parishad held at the ashram and the inauguration of then new building extension at the LMV Girls High School & College in Sayla town.
There is also an article chronicling Param Pujya Bhaishree’s Dubai Dharmayatra in early December.
We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Br Vikrambhai, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 99
September 2022
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 572 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai writes an article: ‘તારે દોષે તને બંધન છે એ સંતની પહેલી શિક્ષા છે. તારો દોષ એટલો જ કે અન્યને પોતાનું માનવું, પોતે પોતાને ભૂલી જવું.’ inspired by Vachanamrut letter 108. Br Lalitaben writes an article titled ‘અસ્તિત્વનો સ્વીકાર’. Br Rasikbhai Shah writes an article ‘સમાધિસુખ’ explaining Vachanamrut letter 460.
Ritaben Doshi writes an inspiring article about this years 3 day Gurupurnima Mahotsav as well as as an article on Paryushan parva. Youngsters Keya Shah and Veer Doshi from Dubai write articles in English about their first visits to Shee Raj Saubhag Ashram. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 98
June 2022
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 493 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Rasikbhai Shah explains Vachanamrut letter 163. Br Lalitaben writes an article titled ‘જાગીને જીવો’, live with awakened awareness.
The inspiring virtue of ‘મગ્નતા ગુણ ’ is collated by Kiranben & Jayeshbhai Deliwala. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 97
March 2022
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 490, 491 & 492 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai’s writes about ‘આત્મદર્શન માટેના ચાર મુખ્ય મુદ્દાઓ’, the 4 key points for realising the soul, inspired by Shrimad Vachanamrut Letter 92. Br Lalitaben writes about ‘કર્મસત્તાનું વાવેતર’, and Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article on ‘શિક્ષણ અને વિદ્યા એટલે શું ? અને તેની પ્રાપ્તિ કેવી રીતે થાય ?’
There is also an article and photo gallery of Param Pujya Bapuji’s Birth Anniversay celebrations with the blessings of Acharya Yashovijayji Maharaj Saheb, Shree Siddhchakra MahaPujan, Navpadji Patth unveiling and the Sthpana of Panch Parmeshti Bhagwan in Raj Mandir. The inspiring story of ‘ચોથા પ્રત્યેકબુદ્ધ રાજર્ષિ નગ્ગતિની કથા’ is collated by Kiranben & Jayeshbhai Deliwala. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 96
December 2021
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 487, 488 & 489 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Rasikbhai Shah writes an article titled ‘તત્ત્વજ્ઞાનના સિદ્ધાંતો હૃદયમાં સ્થિર ન થવાના કારણો અને તેનો ઉપાય’ which takes inspiration from Vachanamrut Letter 254. Br Deepakbhai’s writes about ‘દેહાધ્યાસ ઘટાડવો માટે પુરુષાર્થ કેવી રીતે કરવો ?’, how do we strive to reduce our identification with the body? Br Lalitaben writes about ‘દ્રષ્ટિનું પરિવર્તન’, the transformation of our perspective, the change in our vision. Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article on ‘આત્મા અનુભવ ઉલ્લાસ.’
There is also a photo gallery of the blessing of the new Ashram office with the installation of Bhagwan Mahavir and Mata Laxmi along with Chitrapats of Bapuji and Krupaludev. The inspiring story of ‘ત્રીજા પ્રત્યેકબુદ્ધ રાજર્ષિ નમિરાજની કથા’ is collated by Kiranben & Jayeshbhai Deliwala. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 95
Sept 2021
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 385 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
The issue also contains articles of Shree Kalpeshbhai Sheth being blessed by Param Pujya Bhaishree with Brahmnishth pad, Br Rasikbhai Shah continues his reflection series of articles titled ‘જન્મ - મૃત્યુ રહસ્ય’, Br Deepakbhai’s writes about ‘સમ્યક્જ્ઞાનનાબીજની, પરાભક્તિના મૂળની પ્રાપ્તિ છતાં ત્યાર પછીનો ભેદ કેમ નથી હોતો ?’, despite being blessed with the technique of meditation, the seed of Samyak Gnan, why are we yet not able to realise the separation between the soul and the body? Br Lalitaben writes about ‘વૃત્તિઓનો વંટોળ’, the whirlpool of our instincts. Br Rasikbhai Patel explores Vachanamrut letter 183 ‘પરિભ્રમણ કરતો જીવ અનાદિ કાળથી અત્યાર સુધીમાં અપૂર્વને પામ્યો નથી.’
The inspiring story of ‘બીજા પ્રત્યેકબુદ્ધ રાજર્ષિ દ્વિમુખની કથા’ is collated by Kiranben & Jayeshbhai Deliwala. We are again blessed with the poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben.
Issue 94
June 2021
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 394 & 395 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai’s writes about ‘માર્ગાનુસારી ભૂમિકાથી ભેદવિજ્ઞાન દ્વારા આત્મદર્શન સુધીની ભૂમિકાઓ’ giving us a step by step guide, utilising the words of both Param Krupaludev and Param Pujya Bapuji to show us the science of Self realisation. Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article titled ‘સદગુરુને મળવું જાણે દીપકમાં વિલીન થવું’ illustrated with a story about Mata Parvati and Bhagwan Shiv. Br Rasikbhai Shah continues his reflection series of articles titled ‘જન્મ - મૃત્યુ રહસ્ય’. Br Lalitaben writes about ‘સર્વ અવસ્થાને વિષે ન્યારો સદાય જણાય’.
The inspiring story of ‘પહેલા પ્રત્યેકબુદ્ધ રાજર્ષિ કરકંડુની કથા’ is collated by Jayeshbhai Deliwala. We are again blessed with the shibir poems by Br Minalben, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s ashirvachans and the Ladies Swadhyay insights by Br Minalben and Br Lalitaben. The English article is written about the Maitri Conference that the UAE Yuva group held with Br Pradipbhai: ‘there is nothing stopping you, use the platform of Maitri to launch your journey to moksh. Go out there and make Param Pujya Bhaishree proud by practicing universal Maitri’.
Issue 93
March 2021
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 471 & 472 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
The feature article is about Param Pujya Bapuji’s birth anniversary celebrations along with poems written by Br Minalben. Br Deepakbhai’s writes about ’હું અને મારું સહેલાઈથી કેમ જાય?’ inspiring us to let go of this ego and identity with the body. Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article titled ‘પ્રત્યક્ષ સદગુરુનું મહાત્મ્ય’, collating and exploring many writings and explanations by different Sants of the importance of a living embodied enlightened teacher. Br Rasikbhai Shah writes about ‘જન્મ - મૃત્યુ રહસ્ય’ and also explains Param Pujya Kalidasbhai’s pad ‘આજ સખી મનમોહનને...'. Br Lalitaben writes about ‘સદગુરુના સથવારે’. Jayeshbhai Deliwala collates the story of ‘પુંડરિક અને કુંડરિકની’.
Issue 92
December 2020
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 569 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai’s continues his series of articles (સાધનામાં આગળ વધવા માટેના બાધક કારણો) on the constraining factors that hold back a Sadhak’s practice and progress. Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article titled ‘આતમ ભાવના ભાવતાં જીવ લહે કેવળજ્ઞાન રે’, collating and exploring many writings and explanations by different Sants. Jayeshbhai Deliwala collates an article on ‘લોભ એ જ દુઃખનું મૂળ’. Zeel Shah writes an English article on ‘Lessons from Lockdown’. Also included are poems penned by Br Minalben and Br Vikrambhai, event writeups and inspirational quotes.
Issue 91
September 2020
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 466 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Br Deepakbhai’s continues his series of articles (સાધનામાં આગળ વધવા માટેના બાધક કારણો) on the constraining factors that hold back a Sadhak’s practice and progress. Br Lalitamasi writes an article on ‘સંયોગોના માલિક ન બનો’. Br Rasikbhai Patel writes an article on ‘સંત વિના અંતની વાતમાં અંત પામતો નથી’. Br Rasikbhai Shah explains in Letter 856: જિજ્ઞાસા બળ, વિચાર બળ, વૈરાગ્ય બળ, ધ્યાન બળ અને જ્ઞાન બળ. Br Rasikbhai Shah also writes an article on ‘અનન્ય ઉપાય’. The English article, written by Prof. Sagarmal Jain, is on ‘Equanimity and Meditation (Samayika and Dhyana)’. Jayeshbhai Deliwala collates articles on ‘ધ્યાન નામનો અગિયારમો તપાચાર’ and ‘ધર્મકરણીનું ફળ’.
Issue 89-90
March-June 2020 (Combined Print)
In this issue, Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 459 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
The feature article is on Param Pujya Bapuji's Birthday Mahotsav and the inauguration of the Saraswati Mataji Pat along with the Saraswati Pujan conducted by Param Pujya Jinchandraji Maharaj. There are other articles on the December Yuva Shibir, Valentines Day event, an article on the constraining factors that hold back a Sadhak’s practice and progress (by Br Deepakbhai) and a poem by Br. Minalben to commemorate Param Pujya Gurumaa's Punyatithi as well as a poem celebrating Param Pujya Bapuji’s Birthday.
Issue 88
December 2019
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 454 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
There are also articles on Diwali mahotsav, Param Krupaludev’s Birth Anniversary, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s Birthday celebrations, an article on the constraining factors that hold back a Sadhak’s practice and progress and an article on the special ladies swadhyay by Br. Minalben in Nov 2019. There is a full feature article on Bhaishree’s Janury Jatra 2020 to Agra, Gwalior, Jhansi, Sonagiri etc pilgrimage sites.
The English article is written by Br. Minalben: ‘The cost of Ambition’.
Issue 87
September 2019
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 453 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
There are also articles on Pujya Atmanandji’s visit to Raj Mandir, Gurupurnima and Paryushan Mahotsav.
The English article is written by Kunj Sheth: ‘Paryushan Parva in Sayla - My Experience’.
Br. Deepakbhai writes about the constraining obstacles that hinder the sadhak that wishes to progress.
Issue 86
June 2019
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 450 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
The feature article chronicles Param Pujya Bhaishree’s USA Dharmayatra 2019.
The English article is written by Ankoor Shah: ‘On the steps of Elevation’.
Br. Deepakbhai writes about the constraining obstacles that hinder the sadhak that wishes to progress.
Issue 85
March 2019
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 432 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
The feature article chronicles the Raj Mandir and Shrimad Rajchandra Pratimaji Pratishtha Amrutotsav Celebrations in March 2019 with an extensive photo collage of the events.
There is also a write-up and photographs of the January Jatra to Allahabad, Varanasi, Ayodhya etc where a total of 47 Jin Kalyanak locations were visited.
The English article is written by Kavit Haria: ‘16 Lessons from 16 weeks on a spiritual journey in India’.
Issue 84
December 2018
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 425 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Celebrating Param Pujya Bhaishree's 75th Birth Year through his virtues this month features Bhaishree's state of tranquility or samadhibhav.
The feature article chronicles the Amrutotsav Celebrations in November celebrating Bhaishree’s 75th Birthday.
Br. Rasikbhai has written an in depth understanding of Param Krupaludev’s Kshamapna from Mokshmala. Br. Rasikbhai also writes an article on ‘Paying reverence to all that the Sadguru has bestowed upon us’.
The English article is written by Zeel Shah: ‘Who knew silence spoke the language of happiness!’.
Issue 83
September 2018
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 334 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Celebrating Param Pujya Bhaishree's 75th Birth Year through his virtues this month features Bhaishree's equanimity, surrender, peaceful endurance and Divine Awareness and infinite peace.
There is also an article on the 15th Aug Independence Day celebrations in the Ashram at which Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Vijaybhai Rupani graced the occasion.
In English is an article on ‘Spiritual Parenting’ written by Br. Minalben.
Issue 82
June 2018
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 360 and 362, from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Celebrating Param Pujya Bhaishree's 75th Birth Year through his virtues this month features Bhaishree's patience, tolerance and forgiveness; friendliness; and foresight.
There is also a dedication and article celebrating the life and virtues of Param Pujya Bhanuvijayji Maharaj who left his mortal body just a few months ago. It chronicles many of the memorable interactions that Maharaj saheb had with Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram.
Issue 81
March 2018
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 201, from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Celebrating Param Pujya Bhaishree's 75th Birth Year through his virtues this month features Bhaishree's Simplicity, Determination and Enthusiasm, and Compassion.
There are articles on the Prathishta Mahotsav of Param Krupaludev's standing ido in the basement of the new Raj Mandir, as well as the Samet Shikharji Jatra. There is an article in English by Minalben on 'Happiness'.
Issue 80
Dec 2017
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 231, from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
There is a feature article on the launch of Param Pujya Bhaishree's 75th Birth Year Celebrations. The first virtue in focus is Bhaishree's Meticulousness.
Gujarati articles on 'Inner Transformations: Be Happy and Spread Happiness', 'Maitri Moves: Being an effective philanthropist', series are included as well as contemplations on Lokswarup, Bodhdurlabh and Dharmadurlabh Bhavana.
Issue 79
Sept 2017
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 317, from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Gujarati articles on 'Inner Transformations: Respond vs React', 'Maitri Moves: Being there for someone who is grieving', series are included as well as contemplations on Ashrav, Samvar and Nirjara Bhavana.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote - sixth virtue: 7. Let us be worthy of assimilating and holding Bhaishree's divine grace and divine virtues.
Issue 78
June 2017
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 314, 315 and 319 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Gujarati articles on 'Needs versus Wants', 'I am not my reputation' and 'Non Judgement', from the 'Inner Transformations' series are included as well as contemplations on Ekatva, Anyatva and Ashuchi Bhavana. The Maitri Moves article on 'Creating meaningful connections' is also written here in Gujarati.
Br. Rasikbhai writes an article'સ્વચછન્દ એટલે શું ?', What is Svachanad?.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote - sixth virtue: 6. We see what we wish to see in others.
Issue 77
March 2017
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 313 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Also contained in this issue is an introduction to Shree Saubhagbhai, outlining many of the interactions and life events between Saubhagbhai and Param Krupaludev.
Gujarati articles on 'Be Ethical' and 'Daily Discipline', the first two goals of the Inner Transformations this year, are included as well as a contemplation on Asharan Bhavana and Sansaar Bhavana. The Maitri Moves article on 'Creating meaningful connections' is also written here in Gujarati.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote in English. He continues with the fifth virtue: 5. Abiding the Truth in full, we need to follow our faith, shall we?
Issue 76
December 2016
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 366, 368 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut. Br. Rasikbhai also explains letter 506.
Also contained in this issue is an introduction to the 'Inner Transformation' celebration of Param Krupaludev's 150th Birth Anniversary. It outlines the 10 goals for the year and also contains the 1st Bhavana contemplation: Anitya Bhavana. The 'Maitri Moves' initiative is also introduced - an initiative to educate and bring about awareness and change in us with regards to social, environmental and animal welfare. The first Maitri Move is about using water wisely.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote in English. He continues with the fourth virtue: 3. Faith makes things possible, not easy!
Issue 75
September 2016
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 283, 284 and 287 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Also contained in this issue is a summary article of Param Pujya Bhaishree's Dharmayatra to USA and Canada in July-August 2016.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote in English. He continues with the third virtue: 3. Let your faith be bigger than your fears. Br. Minalben shares an article on 'Issues faced by us when trying to balance family obligations and duties with spiritual striving'.
Issue 74
June 2016
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 308, 310 and 311 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Also contained in this issue are poems written by Br. Minalben on the topic of Dharmabeej and Ishtopdesh. Br. Rasikbhai writes contemplations on: What is Bhedganan?; Purusharth: our striving; Vairagya (detachment); Samyag Darshan (enlightened perspective); Moksh and Mokshmarg (liberation and its path); Shubh Bhav (pure emotion); Mithyatva (delusion); Antarmukh drashti (inward vision). There is also a summary article of Param Pujya Bhaishree's Dharmayatra to Kenya May 2016.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote in English. He continues with the second virtue: 2. Awaken your enthusiasm and strengthen your will power. Br. Minalben shares a poem titled 'Practical Spirituality'. Sujit Nagda summarises Letter 84 of Vachanamrut in English. Seema Kamdar writes about 'The wonder that is Bhaishree'.
Issue 73
March 2016
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letters 297, 299 and 301 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Also contained in this issue are poems written by Br. Minalben for Param Pujya Bapuji's Birthday and for Param Pujya Gurumaa's Samadhi Day. There are summary reports on both the North India Dharmayatra in January and the Idar Dharmayatra in March. Shree Chandrakantbhai Vyas has also written an article about the Prem ni Parab Annual Celebration that took place in January 2016. Jadavbhai has written an article about the Ashirvad camps - in particular the camp in Jamnagar helping over 548 recipients.
The English section contains a summary from the 'Valued Virtues' swadhyay by Bhaishree that Br. Vikrambhai wrote in English. He starts with the first virtue: 1. Enthusiasm equals Life. Br. Minalben writes an article about the aim, the planning, the positive attitude and the right efforts we need to be successful in our efforts to experience the soul. Sujit Nagda summarises Letter 491 of Vachanamrut in English. Ashik Shah writes about 'Protecting all life forms and the true cost of our lifestyle'. Zeel Shah summarises the IVY swadhyays: 'How fortunate we are!' and 'How you became the perfect Joy, Happiness and Love of my imperfect life!'.
Issue 72
December 2015
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 322 from Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut.
Also contained in this issue is an introduction to our new Brahmanisht Dr Harshaben Mehta, Br. Rasikbhai's explanation of the poem 'Bani Jau Araham' written by Pujya Sardarmuni Maharaj, and a compilation of short anecdotes by Br, Minalben. Shree Chandrakantbhai Vyas has also written an article about the Prem ni Parab Annual Celebration that took place in January 2016.
Issue 71
September 2015
In this issue Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 294 in which Krupaludev encourages one who has stilled their mind to contemplate and repeatedly consider the virtues of a enlightened teacher, their life story, their poetry, writings and actions. In repeatedly thinking on these one is able to gain mastery and eventually relinquish the mind. Doing this one would understand true meditation.
Also contained in this issue are Bhaishree's swadhyay on letter 296, Br. Rasikbhai's swadhyay on letter 856 (5 types of strengths to cultivate) and 254, Br. Minalben's poetic summaries of Tattvarthadhigam Sutra, and in English her introductions to Teacher's Day and Paryushan. There are also contributions by Niyati Parekh, Menka Sanghvi and Sujit Nagda.
Issue 70
June 2015
In Sadguru prasad issue 70 (June 2015), Param Pujya Bhaishree explains letter 248. Ambalalbhai had written to Krupaludev about his discomfort and anguish at not being able to meet (samagam) Krupaludev. Krupaludev examines various possibilities as to where and how they could meet at the same time emphasising the importance of ‘sant samagam’ and the true faith. He also considers samagam with Saubhagbhai but that was also ruled out. Krupaludev also probes Ambalalbhai to test how deep was his desire for the samagam.
In the second letter explained by Bhaishree, Krupaludev states that in these dark times a person is not able to focus his mental inclinations to where he should. Bhaishree discusses this statement and there is more.
This issue has many interesting short articles, poems and articles in English by Br Minalben. Sujit Nagda has translated letter 194.
Issue 69
March 2015
The cover article is Param Pujya Bhaishree’s explanation of Letters 262 and 263 from the Vachanamrut. Param Krupaludev has expressed his thoughts on the significance of ‘Satsang’ or in other words the noble company of life-minded seekers. In Letter 263 Krupaludev speaks about the importance of a Gnani or in other words an Enlightened seer for a seeker to progress on the path. He goes on to say that the enlightened seer is indeed an embodiment of the truth and hence one must be far more desirous of developing loving devotion towards them rather than hanker after esoteric knowledge from them.
Br. Rasikbhai’s article has shared thirty powerful contemplations of ‘Subhashito’ from the ancient Jain scriptures. Each of them, presented in the original Prakrit as also with their Gujarati translations, are capable of shaking up the reader and inducing profound thoughts.
Br. Minalben has shared two sweet poems that she had composed for Param Pujya Bapuji’s birthday and Param Pujya Gurumaa’s Samadhi day. The poems are deeply devotional and beautifully weave the key points of the Ekant Maun Aradhana shibir on ‘Atmagnan na sadhano’ into a melody of words. Her poems have also been translated into English. Br. Vikrambhai has penned down a powerful article titled ‘Get up and gear up from within to embark on the journey to liberation’, wherein he explains the importance of willingness, scheduling time and discipline that are required for achieving our goal.
Issue 68
December 2014
Bhaishree’s swadhyay from letter 187 discusses the very rapid progress in Param Krupaludev’s ‘gnan dasha’. Both Br. Minalben and Br. Vikrambhai have enriched the English section of the magazine with their contributions. Sujit’s translation of Letter 200 talks about Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra’s advice to Pujya Saubhagbhai’s sons , this advice is relevant to us all.
Br. Rasikbhai’s article on ‘Atma Vicharna’ includes detailed discussion on Krupaludev’s quotations from various letters, all helpful for contemplation.
Regular content includes reports from the humanitarian activities at Ashirwad Centre and Prem ni Parab.
Issue 67
September 2014
In this issue of Sadguru Prasad, the cover article is an explanation of Letter 247 from Vachananrut based on a discourse by Param Pujya Bhaishree. Also in it is an explanation penned by Br. Rasikbhai of the stunning poem “Moh ni need ma” composed by Pujya Kalidasbapu – one of the greatest enlightened souls within the lineage of masters in Sayla.
A new series in this quarterly periodical is the inclusion of an English section of spiritual articles. It was by the initiative of Pujya Minalben that this new series has commenced for the benefit of young seekers far and wide. In this issue are various English articles on a wide range of topics which include the nature of the human mind and an English translation of Letter 47.
Issue 66
June 2014
This issue includes: Param Pujya Bhaishree’s explanation of the heart rendering letter 128 from Shree Vachanamrutji – how Param Krupaludev, having recollected his numerous past lives, develops detachment and expresses wonder at the various types of attachments by people in general; Br Rasikbhai’s explanation of letter 47 to emphasise it’s importance and relevance on our lives; Br Minalben’s ladies swadhyay; An important directive from Pujya Vikrambhai for all those intending to visit Sayla; Reports and experiences shared from the aradhana shibirs.
Issue 65
March 2014
This issue includes: Param Pujya Bhaishree’s explanation of letter 568 from Shree Vachanamrutji; An account of the wonderful jatra to Chhattisgarh; Reports and experiences shared from three aradhana shibirs; News of other events Bhaishree took part in; Reports of the progressive work of the various humanitarian projects, including a report on the 10th anniversary celebrations of Prem ni Parab.
Issue 64
December 2013
This issue includes: Param Pujya Bhaishree’s explanation of letter 330 from Shree Vachanamrutji; An account of the pratishtha mahotsav at Pujya Vikrambhai’s home in Mumbai; Pujya Rasikbhai’s explanation of letter 294 from Shree Vachanamrutji; Report of the October 2013 ekant maun aradhana shibir and aradhana shibir; Report of the December 2013 aradhana shibir.
Issue 63
September 2013 - Download here
- Featured article: PP Bhaishree’s explanation on Patrank 354 from Shree Vachanamrutji in which PP Bhaishree explains the importance of following daily Agnas and how it helps a sadhak gain “sthirta”
Issue 62
June 2013 - Download here
- Featured article: PP Bhaishree’s explanation on Patrank 223 from Shree Vachanamrutji where Param Krupaludev explains Parabhakti to Shree Saubhagbhai
Issue 61
March 2013 - Download here
- Featured article: Br. Rasikbhai’s explanation of remaining prayers of Agna Bhakti.
Issue 60
December 2012 - Download here
Issue 59
September 2012 - Download here
Issue 58
June 2012 - Download here
Issue 57
March 2012 - Download here
Issue 56
December 2011 - Download here
Issue 55
September 2011 - Download here
Issue 54
June 2011 - Download here
Issue 53
March 2011 - Download here
Issue 52
December 2010 - Download here
Issue 51
September 2010 - Download here
Issue 50
June 2010 - Download here
Issue 49
March 2010 - Download here
Issue 48
December 2009 - Download here
Issue 47
September 2009 - Download here
Issue 46
June 2009 - Download here
Issue 45
March 2009 - Download here
Issue 44
December 2008 - Download here
Issue 43
September 2008 - Download here
Issue 42
June 2008 - Download here