Books Library
Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut
Vachanamrut is a collection of Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra's spiritual correspondance in the form of letters that he wrote. In Vachanamrut, Shrimad has has left us his most intimate guidance and thoughts on the path to Moksha, which provides us with tremendous insights.
Acknowledgement and credits for the collation of the letters and the publication of this invaluable Vachanamrut text are given to Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Agas, Gujarat.
Prathna Piyush
This book contains the prayers recited daily as part our spiritual instructions. It includes Agna Bhakti, Atma Siddhi, Dev Vandan alongside many of Param Krupaludev's spiritual poetry.
The Regime of Love
Agna Bhakti & Atma Siddhi Translation and Transliteration in English
Pinnacle of Spirituality
This wonderfully illustrated book depicts many inspiring events from the life of Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra. The stories take you through a journey of the various stages in Shrimad's life and the fortunate few souls who recognised him at that time. Pinnacle of Spirituality will empower your spiritual thought processes and provide tremendous context when contemplating Shrimad’s literature and conduct.
Pinnacle of Spirituality was created in 2001 as part of a series of events to mark the century since Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad Rajchandra’s passing away. Shrimad’s life was celebrated with the publication of books about him, a film on his life, a musical recording of his spiritual poems, together with an unique pictorial exhibition all showcased worldwide.
Pinnacle of Spirituality was translated from the original work in Gujarati by Dr Kumarpal Desai.
Author: Yashovujayji Maharaj
Translation & Commentary by Dr Ramanlal C. Shah
A compendium of the various practices needed by a spiritual seeker to purify his mind, body and soul so as to be able to attain the highest realisation. The fundamentals of the soul are explored and established from various points of view encompassing all the religious faiths and summarising each of them through the absolute view-point.
Adhyatma Upanishad - part 1
Author: Yashovijayji Maharaj Saheb
Translation and commentary: Shri Kirtivijaysurishvarji Maharaj Saheb
Among all the masterpieces composed by Yashovijayji, the Adhyatma Upanishad was among the closest to Param Pujya Bapuji’s heart. He would elucidate upon verses from this text right from the very early days of the Ashram’s beginning. In the first part Yashovijayji deals with the Purification of scriptural learning (Shastrayog Shuddhi) and the purification of knowledge (Gnanyog Shuddhi).
Adhyatma Upanishad - Part 2
Author: Yashovijayji Maharaj Saheb
Translation and commentary: Shri Kirtivijaysurishvarji Maharaj Saheb
In the second part of this text Yashovijayji deals with the purification of spiritual practices (kriyayog shuddhi) and the purification of equanimity (Samyayog shuddhi)
Adhyatma Kavya Sarita
A collection of beautiful spiritual poems, most of which have been composed by various enlightened souls of the past such as Aandghanji, Yashovijayji, Chidanandji, Ganga Sati, Kabir, Meerabai, Chotam, Pritam, Guru Nanak etc.
Author: Yashovijayji Maharaj Saheb
Translation and commentary: Dr. Ramanlal C Shah
Param Pujya Bapuji described this text along with Adhyatmasaar and Adhyatma Upanishad as the crowning glory of Yashovijayji’s countless creations. The text is divided into 32 ashtaks or octets each containing 8 verses. It starts from the highest of states(perfection or Purnata) and progresses in descending order of spiritual attainment.
Author: Param Pujya Bapuji Ladakchand Manekchand Vora
This little book contains hand-written aphorisms by Param Pujya Bapuji. Upon the request of seekers, Bapuji kindly conceded to writing down one sentence daily for several weeks. Each of these sentences reflect the core of Bapuji’s spiritual attainment.
This text was published during the commemoration of Shri Saubhagbhai’s centennial death anniversary. It contains a soulful description of Saubhagbhai’s life and the transformation he experienced during the last seven years of his life due to his association with Shrimad Rajchandra, his friend, philosopher and spiritual guide.
Moksh Marg Prakash
A collection of letters & poems written by the enlightened souls in the lineage of Shri Saubhagbhai and leading unto Chotabapu. These letters are indeed a treasure of spiritual knowledge and some of the most arcane truths of the path have been explained in very simple yet striking language. The letters of Kalidasbapu and Chotabapu and in particular very useful to advanced practitioners of meditation.
Mool Margnu Amrut
Author: Kumarpal Desai
A beautiful pictorial representation of the magnificent life of Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra. Contained in it are soul-stirring narratives of numerous incidences from various stages of Shrimad’s life that offer inspiration to seekers. Intertwined within is the very essence of self-realisation.
Raj Hriday
A pictorial representation of the spiritual bond between spiritual soulmates, Shrimad Rajchandra and Shri Saubhagbhai. Param Pujya Bapuji would often say that to really know Shrimad, one has to look at him through the eyes of Saubhagbhai. This book offers just that, a glimpse into the greatness of these two souls through various incidences and correspondence between them.
Sadguru, Satpurush, Sant, Gnani purush nu mahatmya
Author: Br. Rasikbhai Shah
This concise little book offers many thought provoking and eye-opening contemplations upon the value and importance of the association with enlightened souls.
Shabdaratna kosh
Author: Shree Sudhaben Sheth
Shabda Kosh is a useful aid to helping understand the adhyatmic Gujarati language that Shrimad Rajchandra uses in his correspondance. Key words in each letter are explained to aid understanding of the key messages of the Moksha Marg that Shrimad Rajchandra has left in the legacy of his writings.
Please note this text has not been published by Raj Saubhag and acknowledgement and credits are given to Shree Sudhaben Sheth for authoring this text, Shrimad Rajchandra Gnanmandir Bandhani for publishing it and Jain Education Internation, jainelibrary.org for scanning and making it availble digitally.
Shant Sudharas
Author: Updhyay Shri Vinayvijayji Maharaj
Translation and Commentary: Shri Mansukhlal Kiratchand Mehta
Ancient wisdom has gifted us 16 bhavanas (inclinations and reflections). Twelve of them lead to a deeper perspective, inspiring detachment and equanimity. Four of them bring us closer to experiencing the Soul.
Shant Sudharas was composed in the 17th Century by Upadhyay Shri Vinayvijayji Maharaj. Its translation and commentary has been composed by Shri Mansukhlal Kiratchand Mehta, a close disciple of Shrimad Rajchandra, himself an embodiment of all the 16 of these Bhavanas.
Author: Param Pujya Ladakchand Manekchand Vora
As the name implies, this book is indeed the nectar of the Guru’s teachings. It contains detailed explanations of various important letters and poems from the Vachanamrut as recorded by Param Pujya Gurumaa based on numerous discourses by Param Pujya Bapuji. A very useful primer for gaining a deeper understanding of the Vachanamrut.
Swadhyay Sudha
Author: Br. Rasikbhai Shah
This book contains a detailed and extensive commentary on ‘Vyakhansaar 1 & 2’ from the Vachanamrut. Vyakhansaar 1 & 2 are basically summarised notes made by a seeker based on Shrimad Rajchandra’s sermons during his extended stay in Morbi during the years VS 1954 & 1955. The main topics dealt in it are the Karma theory and the seven knots of Mohaniya karma that prevent an aspirant from realising their true self.
Vichar Shakti - Thought Power
Author: Swami Sivananda
A gujarati translation of the legendary book by Swami Sivananda – Thought Power. It explains the nature of the mind, its latent powers and how a seeker can harness those for his spiritual progression in a very scientific manner.
Veer Raj Path Darshini - Part 1
An amazing collection of intimate spiritual communication through the medium of letters between Param Pujya Gurumaa Shrimati Sadgurnaben C U Shah and her beloved Guru Param Pujya Bapuji
These letters trace the journey of gurumaa from a humble beginner on the path to the pinnacle of spiritual attainment, guided lovingly by Bapuji all along.
This book also contains various spiritual poems composed by Shrimad Rajchandra and other enlightened souls such as Anandghanji etc. It also has the beautiful composition by Yashovijayji Maharaj known as the 'Aath drashti ni Sajjay' or Octet of the eight states.
Veer Raj Path Darshini - Part 2
A brief yet profound translation of the ‘Chovisi’ or 24 stavans dedicated to each of the Tirthankars as composed by four great munis of the past – Anandghanji, Yashovijayji, Devchandraji and Mohanvijayji. These translations are based on Param Pujya Bapuji’s own discourses upon these stavans.
Shrimad Rajchandra & Mahatma Gandhi
The father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi is a well known personality across the world because of his achievements primarily through the practise of ahimsa or non-violence. However, very little is known publicly about Shrimad Rajchandra or the spiritual insights he shared that shaped Mahatma Gandhi.
It is difficult to fathom the depth of the wisdom of these two pre-eminent personalities. Only an articulate and accomplished author like Dr Kumarpal Desai can paint a vivid picture of their relationship in words.
This English translation of Kumarpalbhai's Gujarati book is written to bring awareness of this divine relationship to the English reading community and inspire us to follow the path of truth and ahimsa.