Vegan provision at Raj Saubhag Ashram

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The catering team led by manager Jayesbhai is helping to provide for vegan diets. The catering in the Ashram is jain vegetarian, however an increasing number of our mumukshus are also vegan.

There are many reasons for a vegan diet: animal welfare, health, climate change are to name a few. You can read about animal welfare in our maitri moves article by clicking here.

Although the ashram cannot guarantee to provide for vegan diets at all times, it is making an effort to do so.

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When you arrive at the ashram please speak personally to Jayeshbhai (Kitchen Manager) in the kitchen and let him know you are vegan and the duration of your stay. His mobile number is +918264250982.


Please ask for the khakhra without ghee. On most days breakfast is vegan. When there is upma then seperate vegan upma can be requested.


Lunches usually consist of rotli, dal, rice, shak. There is rotlis without ghee on all days and you can request for rotla without ghee too. On days that there is kadhi and a dairy based shak they will make you an alternative. Jayeshbhai will ensure that there is a vegan shak available to you on all days.


Dinner is usually lighter and mostly vegan. The kitchen will make you vegan idli and khichri without ghee on those relevant days, or a vegan alternative if there are other non vegan dishes on the menu.

Soya Milk

Jayeshbhai is also happy to order you soya milk from Rajkot and Ahmedabad. This is normally the sofit brand and costs approx Rs 110 - 120 per litre carton.


You can order fruit from the ashram office. What is available depends on the season but the ashram staff will help you find what you need from Sayla town, and will often go and get it for you if they have time. Fruit is sometimes provided at lunchtimes. It is there daily during ekant maun shibirs, but at other times it depends on ashram members sponsoring the fruit. Depending on the number of people staying in the ashram this sponsorship may be from Rs 300 - 500 per day, so if you feel generous then you can sponsor fruit for the whole ashram.

This is a new initiative and a learning process for the kitchen. They welcome feedback and encouragement and appreciate your positive feedback too. This is something that the kitchen team have done from their own initiative and very welcome to the vegans among us so thank you to the team. Please ask for clarification at meal times if you are unsure of ingrediants, Jayeshbhai is the person to ask and he understands veganism well.

We would also recommend you keep some personal provisions in case you require them. Porridge, nuts, chocolate, fruit and dry snacks may be useful to keep.

* Please note that the milk and ghee used in the Ashram is from the Ashram cows which are very well kept and looked after. Dairy products may be necessary for some poeple in their diets for health and the Ashram is not advising this diet over others as these decisions are a personal choice.

Diwali 2017

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During the Diwali celebrations this year Param Pujya Bhaishree took the text: 'Maniratna Mala' by Shree Tulsidasji. Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra had instructed in Letters 435, 789, 796 and updesh chaya 11 that this text was important to read. It contains many outstanding examples and understandings of 'Moh' which is worth contemplating on. The text is made up of 32 Shloks or stanzas. The expanded explanation of these 32 shloks is in the form of 100 questions and answers.

We share the swadhyays with you here below. 

Shree Kalpasutra

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During Paryushan Mahaparva the Kalpasutra shastra is read. The shatra contains the biographies of Tirthanker bhagwans, most notably Shree Parshvanath Bhagwan and Shree Mahavir Bhagwan.

In Raj Saubhag ashram Sayla Br Vinubhai has read the Kalpasutra under Param Pujya Bapuji’s and Param pujya Bhaishree’s agna for many years.

The recordings below are from 2017 and are shared here for your inspiration.

Kalpasutra reading during Paryushan 2017


Kalpasutra is one of the important Jain texts and traditionally recited during Paryushan Mahaparva. The first section describes the lives of the twenty-four Tirthankars. The second part chronicles the life of Shree Mahavir Swami Bhagwan. The third part describes the rules for Sadhu-Sadhiviji and the laws during chaturmas (rainy season).

We are please to share the recording of Br Vinubhai reciting the Kalpasutra during Paryushan in 2017:

Paryushan 2017 - A time for reflection, discipline, penance and forgiveness

Paryushan Swadhyays

The video swadhyays from Paryushan 2017 will be uploaded day by day below for you to watch.



Paryushan Swadhyay 1:

Friday 18th Aug 2017 - Morning

Paryushan Swadhyay 2:

Friday 18th Aug 2017 - Afternoon

Paryushan Swadhyay 3:

Saturday 19th Aug 2017 - Morning

Paryushan Swadhyay 4:

Saturday 19th Aug 2017 - Afternoon

Paryushan Swadhyay 5:

Sunday 20th Aug 2017 - Morning

Paryushan Swadhyay 6:

Sunday 20th Aug 2017 - Afternoon



Read by Br. Vinubhai Shah

Kalpasutra Swadhyay 1:

Monday 21st Aug 2017 - Morning

Kalpasutra Swadhyay 2:

Monday 21st Aug 2017 - Afternoon

Kalpasutra Swadhyay 3:

Tuesday 22nd Aug 2017 - Morning

Kalpasutra Swadhyay 4:

Tuesday 22nd Aug 2017 - Afternoon


Paryushan Mahaparva

18th - 25th August 2017

Paryshan parva is an 8 day Jain festival of reflection and seeking forgiveness for one's sins. Every evening pratikraman is undertaken during which one recounts not just the past day, week, fortnight, month but those transgressions and sins committed in the lasy year and beyond. One repents and asks for forgiveness. One reflects as to their root causes and makes firm resolutions to avoid them in the present and future. One disciplines the mind and the senses and stills one's awareness to reside within.

During this Paryushan Mahaparva we ask after all those tapasvis and wish them well in their sadhana and tapa.

Listen to the complete Shree Bruhad Alochana here. You can find the individual tracks and download options in our Bhakti Library

75th Ladies Swadhyay


The 75th ladies swadhyay was held on 30th April, at Brahmnisht Minalben’s residence in Mumbai.

Pujya Bhaishree graced the occasion and gave a discourse on a poem written by Ganga Sati.  He likened Minalben to Ganga Sati and the lady mumukshus to Paanbai.

Briefing the mumukshus about the life of Ganga Sati, Pujya Bhaishree said that she was an elevated, enlightened Vedanti Saint, who composed many divine, meaningful bhajans.   Her life reflected her writing and many bhajans were composed to guide Paanbai on the spiritual path.  (There are 2 version of Ganga Sati’s relationship with Paanbai – one version says that Paanbai was her daughter-in-law and another version says that Paanbai was her maid who was part of her dowry) Ganga Sati’s husband Kahalchand, was also deeply spiritual. 

According to traditional account, he utilized his spiritual powers to prove himself in the presence of the villagers.  Later, regretting this misuse of powers (since people would now be attracted to him due to these powers rather than his spirituality), Kahalchand decided to take samadhi and end his life. Gangasati urged him to let her take samadhi too but he refused and instructed her to wait until she had perfected Paanbai, her daughter-in-law/maid on path of devotion.  Obeying the instructions of her husband, Ganga Sati through her bhajans and devotional songs, laid out the path for Paanbai and then accepted Samadhi. 

પરિપૂર્ણ સતસંગ હવે તમને કરાવું,
ને આપું જોને નિર્મળ જ્ઞાન રે,
જનમવા મરવાનું તમારું મટાડીને
ધરાવું અવિનાશીનું ધ્યાન રે ... પરિપૂર્ણ.

નામરૂપને મિથ્યા જાણો ને
મેલી દેજો મનની તાણાવાણ રે,
આવો બેસો એકાંતમાં ને તમને,
પદ આપું નિર્વાણ રે ... પરિપૂર્ણ.

સદા રહો સતસંગમાં ને
કરો અગમની ઓળખાણ રે,
નુરત સુરતથી નિજ નામ પકડીને
જેથી થાય હરિની જાણ રે ... પરિપૂર્ણ.

મેલ ટળે ને વાસના ગળે,
ન કરો પુરણનો અભિયાસ રે,
ગંગા રે સતી એમ બોલિયાં,
થાય મૂળ પ્રકૃતિનો નાશ રે ... પરિપૂર્ણ.

Ganga Sati says: “I will bequeath to you true knowledge herewith.  Let go of our beliefs in births and deaths, and strive to attain the Absolute Truth – that which is beyond life and death.  Do not associate yourself with this body, your name and the thought processes of the mind. Seek solitude and immerse yourself in satsang.  Strive to know your Atma – which is the absolute truth.  Know your Atma –which is timeless.  This striving will help you rid yourself of negative qualities."

Pujya Bhaishree elaborated further.  He highlighted the immense benefits that will accrue from consistent satsang. This was a fail proof way overcoming one’s attachment to this transient, material world and walk on the path of spirituality. 

  • Until he reaches his goal (the Atma), the mumukshu should seek refuge of an enlightened Master and immerse himself in satsang.
  • This satsang will help him overcome his bad qualities and inculcate purity
  • Every mumukshu should aim to be consistent and single-minded in his pursuit of purity.
  • Sansaar-bhaav has ensured that we are constantly taking new births and dying new deaths.
  • Pujya Bhaishree added that only the followers of a true Guru can understand the underlying, deep meaning of the last part of the above composition.  

Swadhyay was followed by skits and dance performances, by the mumukshus, highlighting all that they hadlearned; a cake-cutting ceremony and dinner.

Param Pujya Bapuji's Birthday Celebrations 2017

Param Pujya Bapuji, Shree Ladakchand Vora was the founder of Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal and a Guru in a spiritual lineage inspired by Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra and Shree Saubhagbhai of Sayla.

The thread of truth remains unbroken and the path to liberation very much alive in Sayla today. It is Bapuji's inspiration and profound bodh that we remember today in these 3 days of celebrations.

Day 1

In the ashram a special puja was held. In LMV Girls High School and College a celebration of Bapuji's birthday was held in conjunction with the graduation and leaving ceremony of the 10th and 12th standard girls as well as the 10th anniversary of the LMV Girls College.

As is customary every year Shree Raj Saubhag Mumukshus make a special visit to Chorvira village. This village was the birth place of Param Pujya Bapuji and has a special place in the hearts of mumukshus.

Param Pujya Bhaishree was welcomed to the village by the village elders and residents. He first visited the Mandir in the village centre which was sponsored by the Ashram in Bapuji's name. Following this mumukshus went to the small hall built in commemoration of Bapuji. It was here that the garland changing ceremony was held along with emotional heart felt bhakti, vandan and garba.

Finally Bhaishree visited the Shree Raj Saubhag Prathmik Shala - Primary School, built in Bapuji's memory. A large expansive campus with 8 school teaching rooms, living quarters and vegetable and fruit gardens and playing fields. Quite something for a small village like Chorvira, and an appropriate memory of Bapuji who was keen to promote education for both boys and girls in Sayla District. The students gave a spontaneous bhakti performance and their enthusiasm won over the hearts of mumukshus.

Day 2

On this day of beej, Param Pujya Bapuji's birthday, the morning started with Agnabhakti and Vandan at Param Pujya Bapuji's samadhi along with vandan of Param Krupaludev's murti.

Param Pujya Bhaishree and mumukshus conducted puja and chaityavandan at the Jinalay.

In the front of Kalyan Hall, 3D pictures of Krupaludev and Saubhagbhai's life incidences were inaugurated. The first depicts the first meeting upon which the Saubhagbhai goes to meet Shrimadji to pass on the technique of meditation. The centre image is that of Shrimadji writing Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra which he sent to Saubhagbhai.

A sabha was held in celebration of Param Pujya Bapuji's Birthday. An emotional rememberance of his great qualities and inspiration. The sabha started with the children of Ashirvad Kendra with different abilities performing a dance of devotion. Br. Vikrambhai sang a soulful and emotional pad. Shree Mahasatihi spoke of her interactions with Bapuji and Br. Rasikbhai spoke of some of the key messages he learnt from Bapuji. Param Pujya Bhaishree's topic for the celebrations was the importance of a Sadguru - reading from both Vachanamrut and drawing inspiration from Guru Gita.

At the end of the Sabha the garland of Param Pujya Bapuji's chitra was changed with much dance and devotion. It was changed by the hands of the Sayla village elders who had come to grace the celebrations.

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Day 3

On the day of treej, the third day of the month we celebrate the anniversary of the inauguration of the deraser, the sthapna of Bhagwan Vasupujya and the sthapna of the Chitrapaths in Kalyan Hall, by ceremoniously opening the doors to the deraser, changing the deraser flag and changing the garlands on the chitrapaths in the hall.