The topic for this Shibir was Dravya Sangraha written by Shree Nemichandra Siddhantidev. This 58 verse text explores the deep fundamentals of reality (tattvagnan). It was this text upon which Param Krupaludev gave a sermon of teaching to both Saubhagbhai and Laghurajswami along with 6 other monks in Idar mountains.
Param Pujya Bapuji's Birthday Celebrations 2016
Devotional worship of the original Atma Siddhi Shastra handwritten by Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra
Idar Dharmayatra - March 2016
Param Pujya Bhaishree undertook a Dharmayatra to the sacred mountains of Idar where Bhagwan Mahavir meditated with his disciples, Param Krupaludev gave bodh to Saubhagbhai and Laghurajswami along with 7 monks and where he spent 3 months for his personal sadhana. This yatra included the inauguration of the new library in the Ashram and the opportunity to worship the original Atma Siddhi Shastra handwritten by Krupaludev. Bhaishree undertook 3 swadhyays here.