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Br. Minalben's UK Visit 2024
to 6 Aug

Br. Minalben's UK Visit 2024

Br. Minalben's UK Visit

2 - 6th August 2024

Quick Links:
Childrens Event
English Event

Contact Us

‘Spirituality is to be happy and spread happiness’
— Br. Minalben

An Introduction To Minalben

When you see Minalben you cannot help but smile. Her happiness is infectious, her overflowing joy is unmistakable, and her continuous connection with herself, her immersion in the soul is immensely inspiring.

Minalben is a senior teacher at Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram. Through the guidance of Param Pujya Bapuji, Gurumaa and Bhaishree she has risen to great heights of spirituality, studying and experiencing the path of enlightenment.

With her unique insights, practical examples and spiritual tools, her visit to London will provide us all with valuable understandings propelling us forward in our journeys.

Contact Us

For more information contact:

Jaysukhbhai Mehta: jaysukhmehta@gmail.comTel: 07830 294060

Ashik Shah: ashik@ashikshah.comTel: 07956 463309

Friday 2nd Aug -
Sunday 4th Aug

9:15 AM - 5 PM

Venue: Uxendon Manor Primary School, Vista Way, Kenton, Harrow HA3 0UX

Street parking available nearby. Nearest Tube: Northwick Park Station (Metropolitan), Kenton Station (Bakerloo and Overground).

Dresscode: Traditional, white.

Lunch Included

Contribution: £25 per day, £75 for all 3 days

Registration required


Distinguishing Truths

How do we recognise our suitcase when we go to pick it up from the carousel at the airport after a flight? It may have distinguishing features, a label or strap or tag. We recognise its colour and shape and brand.

If we want to recognise our soul, then we must understand its distinguishing features or characteristics that are unique to it and not present in any other object.

Br. Minalben understands these charactistics, immerses in them and is well qualified to help us understand their nature. Using Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandraji's writings she will share these characteristics and the insights she has to help us see them too.

The 3 day shibir will consist of meditations for those instructed in this practice, swadhyays or lectures, opportunities for silence, reflection and devotional bhakti.


Friday 2nd August & Saturday 3rd August:
Arrival: 9:15 AM
Dhyan: 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Satsang: 10:45 AM to 11:45 Noon
Dhyan: 12:00 PM to 1 PM
Lunch: 1 PM to 2:15 PM
Dhyan: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Satsang: 3:45 PM to 5:00 PM

Sunday 4th August*:

Arrival: 9:15 AM
Dhyan: 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Dhyan: 10:45 AM to 11:45 Noon
Satsang: 12:00 PM to 1 PM
Lunch: 1 PM to 2:15 PM
Dhyan: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Satsang: 3:45 PM to 5:00 PM

*Please note shibir timetable for Sunday 4th August has been slightly modified to accommodate the Children's event which will be held in the morning

*Those not instructed in meditation can use this time for silent reading and reflection.

Sunday 4th Aug 2024

10 - 10:45am - (0 - 11yrs)
- this will be followed by a snack and games

10:45 - 11:30am (12 - 16yrs)
- Interactive Q & A

We invite parents to be present for the last 15 mins for a joint parent, child Q & A. If you have any questions you can send them in advance to

Venue: Uxendon Manor Primary School, Vista Way, Kenton, Harrow HA3 0UX

Free event and open to all children

Registration required.

Street parking available nearby. Nearest Tube: Northwick Park Station (Metropolitan), Kenton Station (Bakerloo and Overground).

Children’s Event

Minalben has a playful and energetic nature and unusually for an adult she remembers what it's like to be a child. She has the patience to understand a child, whatever their age, and listen to their point of view.

Minalben has an awareness that young people's lives, however easy they seem to their parents, are filled with the pressures of exams, good grades, applications and interviews, a schedule of extra curricular activities, peer pressure and the continuous need to meet other people's expectations.

By introducing simple spiritual concepts, she can teach you how to deal with this. Her thoughts and ideas are creative, fun and easy to practice.

She is a great example of how to live spiritually and practice it everyday rather than simply talk about it.

Minalben brings spirituality to the social media generation.

Monday 5th Aug 2024

Time: 8 - 9:30 PM

Venue: Canon’s High School, Shaldon Road, Edgware, HA8 6AN

Free event and open to all. No registration required.

English Language Event:

The Secrets of Happiness

We all desire to be happy, but despite our best efforts it seems impossible to hang on to this feeling for long. Our inner world is dominated by fluctuating emotions such as frustration, anger, and disappointment. How do we navigate this turmoil to discover a lasting inner joy?

Venue: OAUK
Oshwal Centre, Potters Bar, Coopers Lane Road, Herts, EN6 4DG

Timing: 8 - 9:30 PM

Parking available

Free event and open to all.

Registration not required.

OAUK - Practical Spirituality

Exploring the path shown by Bhagwan Mahavir, the path of light, knowledge, devotion and love, Minalben shows us how this is practically applied in daily life. How to live and walk this inner journey to realisation of the self is the fundamental truth and essence. Join us in this exploration of peace, equanimity and joy.

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UK Dharmayatra - English Language Events
to 29 May

UK Dharmayatra - English Language Events

We are blessed to be welcoming Param Pujya Bhaishree, Minalben and Vikrambhai to the UK. Join us for an inspiring celebration of practical spirituality.

Friday 19th May - Wednesday 31st May 2023

Overview of Engligh Language Events

Find Your Inner Superpowers

Childrens Event & Workshop
Age 5 - 10 years

Saturday 20th May

10am - 11am - Interactive event with Minalben
11am - 12 noon - Workshop of yoga, games, stories, treasure hunts and more.

Want to be the most amazing superhero? Come on an adventure and find out how Bhagwan, the ultimate superhero, used his superpowers to discover the amazing treasures of the soul. Discover how you can do this too. Join us for some stories, games and a fun treasure hunt.

Vegan and nut free snack and drink will be provided.
A responsible adult will be required to accompany the child. They can join the event with Minalben with the child, and then join the Spiritual Parenting session whilst the child is cared for in the workshop. Children will be supervised by DBS certified facilitators at all times.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all (Age 5 - 10 years)
Registration Required

This is Me - The Journey of My Identity

Teenagers event
Age: 11 - 16 years

Saturday 20th May

10am - 12 noon - Interactive event with Vikrambhai including Q&A

It can be tricky staying true to who you are when the world around us has so many choices. We may feel we need to ‘fit in’, and yet feel we are being pulled in so many directions, at home, with friends, or at school. We may struggle trying to navigate our own identities in the midst of so many expectations. Join us for a relaxed and engaging discussion, with practical tools for developing a stronger sense of your true self, and making choices in accordance with this.

Vegan and nut free snack and drink will be provided.
A responsible adult will be required to drop and pick up the teenager. They are welcome to stay for tea and coffee join the Spiritual Parenting session from 11 - 12pm. Children will be supervised by DBS certified facilitators at all times.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all (age 11 - 16 years)
Registration Required

Spiritual Parenting - Thriving Together

Saturday 20th May
10am - 11am - tea and coffee
11am - 12 noon - Interactive event with Minalben including Q&A

As parents and grandparents we hope to inspire virtues in our children to help them thrive and be resilient in a world that can be confusing. We won’t always be there to help them make decisions, but we can help them build a foundation of strong values by role modelling good behaviours ourselves and helping them develop their understanding of their own identity and the world around them.

11am - 12 noon - Interactive event with Minalben including Q&A
You are welcome to have tea and coffee from 10am whilst your child/grandchild might be in a morning workshop and then join us for the spiritual parenting event at 11am.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all
Registration Required

I am a Star

Babies & Young Children
Age: 0 - 4 years

Saturday 20th May
12 noon - 12:30pm

A short interactive session for our youngest with a story, and a sing-a-long with instruments to some simple Bhakti with Minalben and Vikrambhai.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all (Age 5 - 10 years)
Registration Required

Mystic Poetry in Jainsim

Monday 22nd May 2023
19::00 - 21:30

Location: Kamran Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT), SOAS University of London 10 Thornhaugh Street London WC1H 0XG

Separate registration required - use the button below:

Young Jains and Raj Saubhag UK invite you to an inspiring talk on the lives, times and poetry of some mystic poets of Jainism.

Each verse of these poems contains the distilled essence of crucial spiritual concepts that when reflected on, contemplated and fully understood open the door to our innate bliss. Often presented as riddles for the seeker to decode, they are designed to inspire philosophical thought and lead ultimately to the nectar of immortality.

Join us for a fascinating talk to discover more about the lives and times of some such mystic poets of Jainism as also to explore some of their poetry.

The presenters, Minal Shah and Vikram Shah, have spent several decades exploring and imbibing such poetry under the guidance of their Spiritual teachers.

They are both part of a continuous lineage from the days of Shrimad Rajchandra, himself a mystical poet who deeply influenced Mahatma Gandhi's philosophical views. Their lineage is based in Sayla, Gujarat, which was the home of Saubhagbhai, Shrimad's soul mate. Shrimad is one of the spiritual figures in the current Pure Soul exhibition at SOAS.

Harmonious Relationships

English Swadhyay
Wednesday 24th May
8pm - 9:30pm - Interactive event with Minalben & Vikrambhai

Relationships are at the heart of everything we do. Whether its the relationship we have with ourselves, our family, our friends, our fellow students, or our work colleagues: we have to navigate these on a daily basis.

Harmony within these relationships isn’t always easy, and there are many mindsets that we can adopt in order to make our relationships smoother sailing, more loving and mutually invaluable.

Minalben and Vikrambhai will show us how Jain principles such as universal friendships, appreciation of others’ qualities, acceptance, equanimity, and many more can be applied in our daily lives to improve the quality of our relationships. Much of this is a by-product of the compassion we have for our own selves and souls- and we will discuss this too!

This will be a very practical session, yet the learnings shared will be rooted in deep spirituality. So join us and be inspired in taking your relationships to the next level!

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre - venue and parking information
Free event - registration not required
Open to all

Overcoming Overwhelm

English Swadhyay

Thursday 25th May
8pm - 9:30pm - Interactive event with Minalben & Vikrambhai

We live in an age of incessant digital distractions. A plethora of stimuli are constantly competing for our attention- be those social media updates, emails, phones, online content, chatroom messages etc! Human attention is the new gold- with new apps every day trying to coax millions of humans to enter into addictive behaviour patterns, only to mine their personal data and harvest their airtime for displaying targeted advertisements. Likewise the boundaries between work and personal life have been blurred, thanks to the advancement of technologies that facilitate remote work and keep us continuously connected.

How does one overcome such overwhelming distractions? How can we remain centred whilst navigating through the attention economy. How do we tame and ultimately master the flow of our attention such that we can utilize it for our inner and outer well-being?

Join us for an English language talk with senior spiritual teachers from Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal, Sayla - Minal Shah & Vikram Shah to learn more about how ancient Jain ideologies and practices can help us with overcoming overwhelm.

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre - venue and parking information
Free event - registration not required
Open to all

English Language Shibir

With Br Minalben & Br Vikrambhai

Saturday 27th - Monday 29th May (Bank Holiday)
3 day shibir
11:45am - 3:30pm
(including lunch)

Alongside the Dhyan Shibir, we are delighted to be hosting a 3-day English Language Shibir.

This will comprise of two English discourses with a lunch break in between them. These discourses will be facilitated by Minalben and Vikrambhai, senior spiritual teachers from Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal, both of who have many years of spiritual practice under the guidance of Param Pujya Bapuji and Param Pujya Bhaishree. Both of them have an extremely lively and joyful style of teaching which tends to enliven the whole atmosphere and give rise to a deep desire in listeners to immerse themselves further into the spiritual path.

The topic for these discourses will be 'The Path to Practical Spirituality'. During these sessions, Minalben & Vikrambhai will bring to light some of the most foundational & crucial concepts that are essential for all spiritual seekers to imbibe in order to walk the spiritual path. They will begin by introducing the teachings of Lord Mahavir & Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra, and by highlighting the importance of the trinity of Sat Dev, Sat Dharma & Sat Guru. Further they will speak about the importance of unwavering faith on the spiritual path and also share their insights on the ultimate spiritual goal of self-realisation.

Avanti House Secondary School - venue & parking information
Free parking available on site.
Cost Contribution (which includes lunch): £50 for 3 days or £20 for individual days.
Open to all
Registration Required
*There is no need to register again if you have already registered for the main Shibir.

Venues & Parking

Masefield Suite

Harrow Leisure Centre
Christchurch Avenue
Harrow HA3 5BD

Parking available: free for first 3 hours. Tickets must be displayed even for the free 3 hours. If you overrun your ticket you will be liable to a penalty so be careful and note the timing of your parking.

Similar to all council parking in Harrow, to use the car park at Harrow Leisure Centre it is easiest via the mobile app PayByPhone, which is available in your app store or at

The Harrow Leisure Centre car park code is 802078 on PayByPhone - the first 3 hours are still free of charge.

Niland Conference Centre

93 Elstree Road
Bushey Heath, WD23 4EE

Parking available (limited spaces): Free

Avanti House Secondary School

Wemborough Road,
Stanmore HA7 2EQ

Parking available: Free

Nearest Tube Station: Canons Park (Jubilee line) - 10 mins walk away.

Costs and ways to make your payment

Payment can be done in 3 ways:

1. Cash or cheque to committee members at your local swadhyay.

2. Bank Transfer (Preferable - no cost to us)

Metro Bank
Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal UK
Account number: 30952529
Sort code: 23 05 80
- Please use the reference: DY23Firstname,middleinitial,surname (e.g. DY23jaysukhsmehta)
** if you are paying for multiple people in one payment please drop us an email with the names of all the registrants for that payment:

3. Debit/Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay)

- Once you register, we can send you a link for online payment by card.


If you have any questions please email or

Once your payment has been received we will send you a confirmation email of your registration.

Contact Us

If you have any questions feel free to contacts us:

Jaysukhbhai Mehta:  tel: 07830 294060
Ashik Shah:                 tel: 07956 463309
Ila Shah:                                tel: 07982 007461

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UK Dharmayatra - Param Pujya Bhaishree
to 31 May

UK Dharmayatra - Param Pujya Bhaishree

We are blessed to be showered in Param Satsang with the visit of Param Pujya Bhaishree, Br Minalben and Br Vikrambhai to the UK.

Friday 19th May - Wednesday 31st May 2023

Overview of Events

Welcome Event

Friday 19th May
5:30pm - 9:15pm

We welcome Param Pujya Bhaishree, Br. Pujya Minalben, Br. Pujya Vikrambhai,  Br. Lalitaben and Atmarthi Rohitbhai to the UK as we begin this 2 week Dharmayatra.

We also gather to celebrate Bhaishree's 80th Birthday. We celebrate his divine virtues, his humble presence, his illuminating discourses (bodh), his sweet smile and his unending selfless love.

This event promises to be overwhelming in devotion, for Mumukshus to be in the presence of our Sat Guruji. We warmly invite you to join us in Celebration and Satsang.

Avanti House Secondary School - venue & parking information
Cost contribution: £15 (includes dinner)
Open to Raj Saubhag Mumukshus and those spiritually interested souls who attend regular Raj Saubhag swadhyays in London.
Registration Required

I am a Star

Babies & Young Children Event
0 - 4 years

Saturday 20th May
12 noon - 12:30pm

A short interactive session for our youngest with a story, and a sing-a-long with instruments to some simple Bhakti with Minalben and Vikrambhai.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all (Age 0 - 4 years)
Registration Required

Find Your Inner Superpowers

Childrens Event & Workshop
Age 5 - 10 years

Saturday 20th May

10am - 11am - Interactive event with Minalben
11am - 12 noon - Workshop of yoga, games, stories, treasure hunts and more.

Want to be the most amazing superhero? Come on an adventure and find out how Bhagwan, the ultimate superhero, used his superpowers to discover the amazing treasures of the soul. Discover how you can do this too. Join us for some stories, games and a fun treasure hunt.

Vegan and nut free snack and drink will be provided.
A responsible adult will be required to accompany the child. They can join the event with Minalben with the child, and then join the Spiritual Parenting session whilst the child is cared for in the workshop. Children will be supervised by DBS certified facilitators at all times.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all (Age 5 - 10 years)
Registration Required

This is Me - The Journey of My Identity

Teenagers event
Age: 11 - 16 years

Saturday 20th May

10am - 12 noon - Interactive event with Vikrambhai including Q&A

It can be tricky staying true to who you are when the world around us has so many choices. We may feel we need to ‘fit in’, and yet feel we are being pulled in so many directions, at home, with friends, or at school. We may struggle trying to navigate our own identities in the midst of so many expectations. Join us for a relaxed and engaging discussion, with practical tools for developing a stronger sense of your true self, and making choices in accordance with this.

Vegan and nut free snack and drink will be provided.
A responsible adult will be required to drop and pick up the teenager. They are welcome to stay for tea and coffee join the Spiritual Parenting session from 11 - 12pm. Children will be supervised by DBS certified facilitators at all times.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all (age 11 - 16 years)
Registration Required

Spiritual Parenting - Thriving Together

Saturday 20th May

10am - 11am - tea and coffee. Those with children in the 5-10 yr event can join with their children

11am - 12 noon - Interactive event with Minalben including Q&A.
(Children 5 - 10yrs will be looked after in our childrens workshop at this time)

As parents and grandparents we hope to inspire virtues in our children to help them thrive and be resilient in a world that can be confusing. We won’t always be there to help them make decisions, but we can help them build a foundation of strong values by role modelling good behaviours ourselves and helping them develop their understanding of their own identity and the world around them.

11am - 12 noon - Interactive event with Minalben including Q&A
You are welcome to have tea and coffee from 10am whilst your child/grandchild might be in a morning workshop and then join us for the spiritual parenting event at 11am.

Niland Conference Centre - venue and parking information
Free event
Open to all
Registration Required

Spirituality of Service

Humanitarian & Charitable Activity Presentation
Saturday 20th May

7:15pm - 10pm

We invite you to an evening where we celebrate service and philanthropy, and give thanks to those who support, collaborate or volunteer with us.

Raj Saubhag Institutions show up every day for the people of Sayla, Gujarat. providing relief and serving in the fields of health, education and disability.

Discover the power of selfless compassion as Param Pujya Bhaishree, Br. Minalben and Br. Vikrambhai share their insights in serving those less fortunate.

Be inspired from those that have recently visited the projects. See the impact on people's lives through our films and interviews with the beneficieries and understand the purpose behind our projects.

Avanti House Secondary School - venue & parking information
Free event
Open to all

Leicester Deraser Trip

Sunday 21st May
8am - 6:30pm

*Registration is now full. Please email Ilaben Shah: to be placed on the waiting list.

The Jain Centre, Leicester has a special place in the hearts of Raj Saubhag Mumukshus, for it was here that almost thirty-five years ago Param Pujya Bapuji had consecrated the image of Shrimad Rajchandra. Since then, mumukhus have regularly visited the derasar where Shantinath Bhagwan is the mool-nayak, so as to soak in the divine atmosphere of one of the oldest Jain temples in the UK.

In 2023, Leicester derasar is celebrating the 35th  anniversary of Pratishtha. It is a blessing to be able to participate in the celebrations alongside Param Pujya Bhaishree. With Bhaishree’s satsang in the morning and Br Minalben & Br Vikrambhai’s English swadhyay and bhakti in the afternoon the day will be filled with devotion.

This event is open to all and transportation from and back to London will be arranged. Lunch and refreshments will be served at the derasar too.

Cost Contribution: £20 (includes return transport from London and lunch)

*Registration is now full. Please email Ilaben Shah: to be placed on the waiting list.

Mystic Poetry of Jainism

A Joint event with Young Jains and SOAS

Monday 22nd May
19:30 - 21:00

Location: Kamran Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT), SOAS University of London, 10 Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG

Separate registration is required using the link below:

Young Jains and Raj Saubhag UK invite you to an inspiring talk on the lives, times and poetry of some mystic poets of Jainism.

Each verse of these poems contains the distilled essence of crucial spiritual concepts that when reflected on, contemplated and fully understood open the door to our innate bliss. Often presented as riddles for the seeker to decode, they are designed to inspire philosophical thought and lead ultimately to the nectar of immortality.

Join us for a fascinating talk to discover more about the lives and times of some such mystic poets of Jainism as also to explore some of their poetry.

The presenters, Minal Shah and Vikram Shah, have spent several decades exploring and imbibing such poetry under the guidance of their Spiritual teachers.

They are both part of a continuous lineage from the days of Shrimad Rajchandra, himself a mystical poet who deeply influenced Mahatma Gandhi's philosophical views. Their lineage is based in Sayla, Gujarat, which was the home of Saubhagbhai, Shrimad's soul mate. Shrimad is one of the spiritual figures in the current Pure Soul exhibition at SOAS.

Masefield Morning Swadhyays

Tuesday 23rd - Friday 26th May
10am - 12 noon

Come and join us in devotional bhakti and Param Satsang with Param Pujya Bhaishree.  A rare opportunity to be in the presence of a divine Soul.

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre - Venue & parking information
Free event - registration not required
Open to all

The Relevance of Bhagwan Mahavir's Path in Modern Times

Oshwal Centre - Potters Bar
Tuesday 23rd May

7.15pm - Aarti & Mangal Divo
7.45pm - Seated in main hall
8.00pm - Satsang with Param Pujya Bhaishree

Drawing on Bhagwan Mahavir’s path, through the teachings of Shrimad Rajchandra, Bhaishree brings the ancient wisdom to relevance today, helping us live harmoniously in our day to day lives, as well as taking us closer to Moksha.

Shrimad Rajchandra was keen to reinvigorate the faith in Bhagwan’s true inner path, one of a noble life with the most elevated thinking. Mahavir Bhagwan lived an exemplary life.  He lived and preached a message arising from his Total Enlightenment as an Omniscient. 

Shrimad’s mind and heart had a deep understanding and experience of Bhagwan’s Truths and yet he lived in this modern world, in busy Mumbai. He imparted wisdom of the highest order and guided people in a very practical way. In the modern world, his impact on Gandhiji is well known.

Oshwal Centre, Coopers Lane Road, Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4DG
Free parking available on site.
Free event - registration not required
Open to all

Harmonious Relationships

English Swadhyay
Wednesday 24th May
8pm - 9:30pm - Interactive event with Minalben & Vikrambhai

Relationships are at the heart of everything we do. Whether its the relationship we have with ourselves, our family, our friends, our fellow students, or our work colleagues: we have to navigate these on a daily basis.

Harmony within these relationships isn’t always easy, and there are many mindsets that we can adopt in order to make our relationships smoother sailing, more loving and mutually invaluable.

Minalben and Vikrambhai will show us how Jain principles such as universal friendships, appreciation of others’ qualities, acceptance, equanimity, and many more can be applied in our daily lives to improve the quality of our relationships. Much of this is a by-product of the compassion we have for our own selves and souls- and we will discuss this too!

This will be a very practical session, yet the learnings shared will be rooted in deep spirituality. So join us and be inspired in taking your relationships to the next level!

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre - venue and parking information
Free event - registration not required
Open to all

Overcoming Overwhelm

English Swadhyay

Thursday 25th May
8pm - 9:30pm - Interactive event with Minalben & Vikrambhai

We live in an age of incessant digital distractions. A plethora of stimuli are constantly competing for our attention- be those social media updates, emails, phones, online content, chatroom messages etc! Human attention is the new gold- with new apps every day trying to coax millions of humans to enter into addictive behaviour patterns, only to mine their personal data and harvest their airtime for displaying targeted advertisements. Likewise the boundaries between work and personal life have been blurred, thanks to the advancement of technologies that facilitate remote work and keep us continuously connected.

How does one overcome such overwhelming distractions? How can we remain centred whilst navigating through the attention economy. How do we tame and ultimately master the flow of our attention such that we can utilize it for our inner and outer well-being?

Join us for an English language talk with senior spiritual teachers from Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal, Sayla - Minal Shah & Vikram Shah to learn more about how ancient Jain ideologies and practices can help us with overcoming overwhelm.

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre - venue and parking information
Free event - registration not required
Open to all


Saturday 27th - Wednesday 31st May
5 day shibir -
over the bank holiday weekend.
9:15am - 5:15pm each day
English sessions available with Br Minalben & Br Vikrambhai Sat 27th - Mon 29th

Topic: Samyag Darshan Shatak
Author: Acharya Shree Bhanuvijayji Maharaj
Download the book here

Through his infinite grace and compassion, Param Pujya Bhaishree’s primary focus has been to guide mumukshus on their spiritual journey towards self-realisation. Not only has he imparted to seekers the ancient technique of Sudharas meditation that turns consciousness away from external thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions towards its source, but he also has gently and patiently aided seekers on this inner journey of awakening. Most important of these, are the regularly held Dhyan Shibirs (Meditation Intensives) where seekers can withdraw themselves from all forms of external distractions and immerse deeply into their meditation practice under the tutelage of Bhaishree.

We will all have the blessed opportunity to participate in such a Dhyan Shibir during the 2023 UK Dharmayatra. This Shibir will span 5-days with 3 hour-long meditations daily, interspersed with two Satsangs by Param Pujya Bhaishree. All participants will also receive one-on-one guidance and feedback on their practice from the Brahmanishths.

Those seekers that are un-initiated in the art of meditation are welcome to attend the Shibir. During the second and third meditations, there will be special discourses for such seekers by senior spiritual teachers from Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal- Minal Shah and Vikram Shah. During the first three days of the shibir, such discourses will be delivered in English so as to enable young seekers as also those that are unfamiliar with Gujarati to learn about foundational Jain principles. More information on these can be found in the English Language Events section.

Saturday 27th - Wednesday 31st May
5 day shibir -
over the bank holiday weekend.
9:15am - 5:15pm each day
English sessions available with Br Minalben & Br Vikrambhai Sat 27th - Mon 29th
Avanti House Secondary School -
venue & parking information
Free parking available on site.
Cost Contribution (which includes lunch): £120 for 5 days or £25 for individual days.
Open to all
Registration required.

English Language Shibir

With Br Minalben & Br Vikrambhai

Saturday 27th - Monday 29th May (Bank Holiday)
3 day shibir
11:45am - 3:30pm
(including lunch)

Alongside the Dhyan Shibir, we are delighted to be hosting a 3-day English Language Shibir.

This will comprise of two English discourses with a lunch break in between them. These discourses will be facilitated by Minalben and Vikrambhai, senior spiritual teachers from Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal, both of who have many years of spiritual practice under the guidance of Param Pujya Bapuji and Param Pujya Bhaishree. Both of them have an extremely lively and joyful style of teaching which tends to enliven the whole atmosphere and give rise to a deep desire in listeners to immerse themselves further into the spiritual path.

The topic for these discourses will be 'The Path to Practical Spirituality'. During these sessions, Minalben & Vikrambhai will bring to light some of the most foundational & crucial concepts that are essential for all spiritual seekers to imbibe in order to walk the spiritual path. They will begin by introducing the teachings of Lord Mahavir & Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra, and by highlighting the importance of the trinity of Sat Dev, Sat Dharma & Sat Guru. Further they will speak about the importance of unwavering faith on the spiritual path and also share their insights on the ultimate spiritual goal of self-realization.

Avanti House Secondary School - venue & parking information
Free parking available on site.
Cost Contribution (which includes lunch): £50 for 3 days or £20 for individual days.
Open to all
Registration required.
*There is no need to register again if you have already registered for the main Shibir.


Farewell Dinner

Wednesday 31st May
6pm - 7:30pm

We give thanks at the feet of our revered Enlightened Guru, for His wisdom, His inner path and His living example. We say farewell as this UK Dharmayatra comes to a close and await in anticipation for his return.

Avanti House Secondary School - venue & parking information
Cost contribution: £15 (includes dinner)

Registration Required

Venues & Parking

Masefield Suite

Harrow Leisure Centre
Christchurch Avenue
Harrow HA3 5BD

Parking available: free for first 3 hours. Tickets must be displayed even for the free 3 hours. If you overrun your ticket you will be liable to a penalty so be careful and note the timing of your parking.

Similar to all council parking in Harrow, to use the car park at Harrow Leisure Centre it is easiest via the mobile app PayByPhone, which is available in your app store or at

The Harrow Leisure Centre car park code is 802078 on PayByPhone - the first 3 hours are still free of charge.

Niland Conference Centre

93 Elstree Road
Bushey Heath, WD23 4EE

Parking available (limited spaces): Free

Avanti House Secondary School

Wemborough Road,
Stanmore HA7 2EQ

Parking available: Free

Nearest Tube Station: Canons Park (Jubilee line) - 10 mins walk away.

Costs and ways to make your payment

Payment can be done in 3 ways:

1. Cash or cheque to committee members at your local swadhyay. Please ask a family or committee member to complete the online form on your behalf if you cannot do this yourself.

2. Bank Transfer (Preferable)

Metro Bank
Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal UK
Account number: 30952529
Sort code: 23 05 80
- Please use the reference: DY23Firstname,middleinitial,surname (e.g. DY23jaysukhsmehta)
** if you are paying for multiple people in one payment please drop us an email with the names of all the registrants for that payment:

Cost Summary (per person):

Welcome event: £15
Leicester Trip: £20
Shibir (Full five days): £120
Shibir single days (each day)            £25
English Shibir (full three days): £50
English Shibir single days (each day): £20
Farewell dinner                           £15

Therefore payment for all Welcome, Leicester, Shibir and Farewell events would be £170 per person.


If you have any questions please email or

Once your payment has been received we will send you a confirmation email of your registration.

Contact Us

If you have any questions feel free to contacts us:

Jaysukhbhai Mehta:  tel: 07830 294060
Ashik Shah:                tel: 07956 463309
Ila Shah:                                tel: 07982 007461

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Light of Hope 2021 - Musical afternoon with Nitu Shah Raising Awareness and Support for the Community Health Centre Hospital in Sayla, Gujarat
3:00 pm15:00

Light of Hope 2021 - Musical afternoon with Nitu Shah Raising Awareness and Support for the Community Health Centre Hospital in Sayla, Gujarat

Donation Options

Please click here to donate by credit card

Please click here to donate.

Please remember to share your name and email address so we can see who donated.
If you would like to hear from us, please enable charity marketing.

Donate by text

Text CHCHOPE followed by your donation amount to 70085 to give that amount.

Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us. If you would like to donate but don't wish to hear more from us, please text CHCHOPENOINFO instead.

Donate by direct bank transfer

Account Name - Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal UK

Bank – Metro Bank plc

Sort Code – 23-05-80

Account No. – 30952512

Reference: Your first name, middle initial, surname and LOH, eg jaysukhsmehtaLOH

Donate by Cheque

Please make cheques payable to ‘Shree Raj Saubhag UK’ and post to Harish Sanghvi, 10 Ferndown Close, Pinner, HA5 3RP

Please write ‘Light of Hope’, your name, address and contact details on the back of the cheque.

The Impact of your donation


As we celebrate the festival of lights at Diwali, we celebrate the Light of Hope which access to healthcare brings to a community, be it the hope of protection in the Covid-19 Pandemic, the hope of relief from pain or the hope and joy of a new-born child.

Incredible work in rural India is done at a local Community Health Centre (CHC) in a village called Sayla in Gujarat. It is a government hospital that is run and managed by the charity, Raj Saubhag. The CHC is managed and supported by Raj Saubhag Humanitarian.

It provides essential medical services to the local community of 170,000 people in 75 villages in rural Gujarat. Here, there is high illiteracy, low opportunities for good employment and infertile soil, so there is a lot of poverty.

Services provided by the CHC

Advantages of having the CHC

Why should you support the CHC?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Government of Gujarat funds the salaries of some of the doctors and some of the medicines.

    However, all additional staff, medicines and machinery are funded by Raj Saubhag Ashram. We have very few direct supporters of the work of the Hospital, and so cannot meet the needs of the people as much as we would like. This is the reason for the event, so we can raise awareness and support.

  • Please refer to the information on impact above.

  • Yes, all your donation goes to the hospital as there are no admin costs before that.

  • There is no distinction made by caste, religion or gender. The facilities and services are open to anyone

  • We would be delighted to welcome you, with accommodation and to make arrangements to visit the projects and see the work on the ground.

  • Yes. You are welcome to donate to any of the projects. The CHC is a project in great need, which is why we have held the programme.

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8:00 am08:00

London Half Marathon Running team raising money for Sayla CHC and Ashirvad Centre

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Raj Saubhag Team of runners are taking part in the London Half Marathon to raise funds for Sayla CHC (Civic Health Centre) and the Ashirvad Centre

Vitality Half Marathon

Sunday 22nd August 2021

We have an amazing team of 7 runners: Ketan, Nikhil, Rakhee, Sameer, Niraj, Nilpa and Ashik, most taking part for the very first time. Running over 21km or 13 miles is a huge goal and they have been busy training for many months.

Their collective goal is to raise over £15,000 to help support the Sayla Civic Health Centre (CHC) and Ashirvad centre serve those that are some of the most vulnerable in the local community, with generous matching by the charity Help Change Lives. An amazing goal that has the potential of huge impact.

We would love for you to join us on the day to cheer them on. Your encouraging words will give them strength to continue running and achieve this tremendous goal. If you can come on the day message Niraj on 07737309881 and we will add you to our Whatsapp group for the day. Bring a picnic, some dancing shoes and your loudest encouraging voice.

You can find out more about our runners and their fundraising campaigns on the following links:

Ketan Shah:

Rakhee Shah:

Sameer Shah:

Ashik & Nilpa Shah:

Niraj Sanghvi:

Nikhil Gosrani: in training for the Virgin London Marathon on October 3rd.

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London Marathon 2020
10:30 am10:30

London Marathon 2020

Virgin Money London Marathon 2020

Run for Raj Saubhag UK

26th April 2020

Fulfil that lifelong dream. Train hard, break boundaries, build willpower, raise money and overcome those mental and physical hurdles to achieve something outstanding. Run the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon.

Raj Saubhag UK has been awarded a charity place for the 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 26th of April 2020.

We warmly invite all those interested runners to apply for this place by clicking below (Deadline for applications 15th November 2019). Help us raise money for the outstanding Raj Saubhag Humanitarian activities, our target is to raise over £1000 for these worthy causes.

Application deadline: 15th November 2019

Any questions email:

Why should you join Team Raj Saubhag?

We will be with you from the moment you register to the time you cross the finishing line:

  • Supported training - tips, magazines, newsletters and group training events

  • A running vest - especially for you

  • Fundraising advice and a dedicated fundraising page online

  • 'Meet the Experts' event held by Virgin Money London Marathon - free entry (Expert talks, celebrity interviews, fundraising masterclass, how to prepare - training advice)

  • Refreshments to help you recover after the race

  • Massage - well deserved to help you get home after the race

Be part of something amazing

Some of our requirements:

  • We ask that runners are dedicated to the race and train appropriately in accordance with guidelines to avoid injury (Raj Saubhag cannot be responsible for any injury sustained)

  • If you are chosen as the Raj Saubhag runner you must complete the entry process with the London Marathon and register online prior to the deadline

  • Runners have the amazing opportunity to help us raise money towards the Raj Saubhag Humanitarian projects around the world. We invite you to put all your efforts into this worthy cause and work hard towards your fundraising target. We hope to raise over £3000 for these worthy causes.

  • The Raj Saubhag runner must attend the Virgin Money London Marathon Expo in the four days prior to the marathon to collect their race pack. Race Packs must be collected beforehand and the pack contains the runner's race number, timing chip and other important information. The runner must take a form of photo I.D. and completed registration form to collect their race pack. Without these documents you cannot pick up your pack. The expo closes 17:00 on the eve of the race so race packs must be collected before this deadline. If you cannot collect you pack then let us know and we can help arrange something.

Find out more about our amazing Humanitarian charitable projects by clicking here

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Param Pujya Bhaishree's UK Birthday Celebration, Followed by Huddle
2:45 pm14:45

Param Pujya Bhaishree's UK Birthday Celebration, Followed by Huddle

" ધન્ય તે નગરી, ધન્ય વેળા ઘડી, માત પિતા કુળ વંશ જિનેશ્વર "

- આનંદઘનજી મહારાજ સાહેદ ('ધરમ જિનેશ્વર')

"Blessed is that town where you were born, blessed is that moment, blessed are thy mother, father, family and lineage O Jineshwar"

- Anandghanji Maharaj Saheb in 'Dharam Jineshwar'

It is with immense joy and utmost devotion that we will all celebrate Param Pujya Bhaishree's 75th Birthday this November. A grand celebration has been planned in Sayla from the 21st to the 25th of November.

We are delighted to invite you to join us for a celebration here in London, on Sunday the 2nd of December. We will be fortunate enough to witness some glimpses of the celebrations in Sayla as also to benefit from Param Pujya Bhaishree's Satsangs during the events in Sayla.

After lunch, we invite all volunteers and anyone else interested to join us for a Joyful server's Huddle where we would like to discuss ideas for spiritual events as also humanitarian initiatives for 2019. 

Date: 2nd December 2018

Time: Celebrations - 9:15 AM to 1:30 PM

9:15 AM : Arrival
9:30 - 10:20 AM : Dhyan *
10:30 - 12:30 AM : Satsang & Bhakti
12:30 onwards : Lunch
2 - 3 PM : Huddle

*Those who have not been initiated in meditation are kindly requested to arrive at 10:20

Venue : Harrow District Masonic Lodge, Northwick Circle, Harrow, HA3 0EL

Cost contribution: £10 per person including lunch

Registration: Please register in person with any committee member or online




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UK Gurupurnima Celebrations 2018
1:45 pm13:45

UK Gurupurnima Celebrations 2018

The syllable "Gu" is darkness, and the syllable "Ru" is said to be light. There is no doubt that the Guru is indeed the supreme knowledge that swallows the darkness of ignorance. 
- Shree Guru Gita

It is with immense joy and utmost devotion that we invite you all to join us in the celebration of Gurupurnima on Sunday the 29th of July 2018.

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12:30 am00:30

The Joy of Giving

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Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram Humanitarian projects engage in the improvement of education of primary school 28,000 students, provide nearly 500 girls with a secondary education empower 440 young women to pursue a BA; have the capacity to conduct over 8,000 eye surgeries a year, and treat almost 6,000 dental patients a year;  and care for over 300 children with various (often multiple) disabilities in three centres.

Come and learn about the values which drive the volunteers and professionals to continuously deliver wonderful outcomes to those around us.  Come and hear how  it is that donors’ funds are utilised efficiently.  Come and hear from key members and donors of their experiences.  Come and discover the impact being made in the impoverished area around Sayla.

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You will hear the Ashram leaders about the purpose and meaning of this work, from volunteers about the joy of seeing change happen and you will hear donors give their personal testimony.

You will be moved, uplifted and inspired by joining us on this amazing evening.  The evening will celebrate the joy of fruits of giving.

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Sat 26th May 2018

Timing: 8 - 10 PM

Venue: Avanti House School, Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Open to all.

Avanti House School

Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Parking is available at the school and on public roads outside the school. Please ensure you read the street signs carefully and note restrictions, park safely and be mindful of our neighbours.

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Avanti School Map.jpg
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Spirituality and Service
12:00 am00:00

Spirituality and Service

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Avanti House School, Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

This event is open to all.

7:30 - 9:30 PM

All life is sacred. Serving others helps awaken us to this. Come and learn about why social impact and humanitarian work has been core to the Ashram’s philosophy since its inception. Param Pujya Bhaishree, spiritual head of the Raj Saubhag Ashram, will explore with us how the paths of devotion (bhakti), wisdom (gnan) and selfless service (nishkaam karma) work in harmony in the spiritual journey.

Over the past forty years, the Ashram has been engaged in several long-term projects in the nearby impoverished areas of Gujarat. It works in partnership with local communities and other charities to efficiently to improve education, community health, women’s empowerment, water and sanitation, and more. Donors and volunteers who have been involved firsthand in these efforts will share their insights from personal experience.

Join us in celebrating the joy of service through spirituality!

Avanti House School

Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Parking is available at the school and on public roads outside the school. Please ensure you read the street signs carefully and note restrictions, park safely and be mindful of our neighbours.

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Avanti School Map.jpg
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2:30 pm14:30

Spiritual Parenting & IVY (I the Vibrant Youth) Swadhyays

Children's Event

Part of the I the Vibrant Youth events

Ideal for kids aged 6 - 12*

Sat 26th May 2018

Time: 10 - 11 AM (arrival from 9:45 AM)

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

Conducted in English

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Minalben is an engaging and charming speaker and captivates her audience.  She has a special softness with children, knowing their innocence makes it easier for them to absorb eternal values. She shares in a simple style, using accessible language, stories and every day examples to inspire children that spirituality is a core of life. Children will not only learn by listening, they will also have the opportunity to witness someone embodying Jain values. With her love and laughter, Minalben is the perfect person to show this age group how to live according to Jain principles.

*Please call either Sheena 07956 499091/ Priti 07932 158954 if you want help on deciding which session is more suitable for your child/ children.

This event is free of charge. Please register here

Children's Workshop

Part of the I the Vibrant Youth events

Ideal for kids aged 6 - 12*

Sat 26th May 2018

Time: 11 - 12 noon (arrival from 10:45 AM)

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

Conducted in English

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An opportunity for children to join a workshop session with the Raj Saubhag team.  Using games, sharing activity, writing, colouring and quiet time, the learnings from the earlier session will be reinforced and embedded.  Snacks will be provided to the children.

*Please call either Sheena 07956 499091/ Priti 07932 158954 if you want help on deciding which session is more suitable for your child/ children.

This event is free of charge. Please register here

Teen's Event:

Creating Your Extraordinary Life

Part of the I the Vibrant Youth events

Ideal for 13 - 18 year olds*

Sat 26th May 2018

Time: 11 - 12 noon (arrival from 10:45 AM)

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

Conducted in English


Vikrambhai is a successful entrepreneur.  He is a father of a young adult son.  He appreciates the pressures faced by young adults, at what seems the most important time of your life; achieving academic goals, considering future career options, balancing the needs of family and friendships.  Vikrambhai will share the importance keeping a spiritual dimension in your life and how this has a positive impact on all other areas of your life.  He has experienced this himself in his own life!

*Please call either Sheena 07956 499091/ Priti 07932 158954 if you want help on deciding which session is more suitable for your child/ children.

This event is free of charge. Please register here

Spiritual Parenting:

Nurturing Your Child's Soul

Sat 26th May 2018

Time: 11 - 12 noon (arrival from 10:45 AM)

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

Conducted in English

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Minalben, a mother and grandmother, knows all too well the daily trials of parenting. She understands the demands children place upon us and, more importantly, the burden we place on ourselves to be the perfect parent, the right parent, the modern parent, the disciplined parent.

As parents we have an immense responsibility; our children absorb what we think, what we say and how we behave. They translate this and create their own life view.  As we seek to teach them to be the best, by pausing, taking a breath, being silent, we can also learn so much from them.  Our children give us the opportunity to be the best we can be.  

With her spiritual outlook, Minalben gives us the perspective and tools to enhance  our parenting such that we have a soul centered approach; by nurturing your own soul, you can nurture your child’s soul. 

Whilst you join us here, your children (aged 6 -12 years old) are welcome to join our Children’s Workshop

This event is free of charge. Please register here

Avanti House School

Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Parking is available at the school and on public roads outside the school. Please ensure you read the street signs carefully and note restrictions, park safely and be mindful of our neighbours.

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Avanti School Map.jpg
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12:30 am00:30

Navnat Swadhyay: The Precious Opportunity In Our Hands

Anitya Bhavana: Insights from Shant Sudharas, the Nectar of Tranquillity.

Every moment the world around us changes. Our possessions, our loved ones, even our own thoughts and body is subject to change. Given this reality about life, how can we find peace and a sense of security? What do we rely upon when all we hold onto is destructible and untrustworthy?

It is a rare encounter with Truth that wakes us up to this ever changing reality. Underlying this is the constant of Truth, the pure Self. It is the one thing that we can put faith into, the only thing that will stay with us forever.

Param Pujya Bhaishree, spiritual head of Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram, will share his insights on the path of self-realisation, illuminated by Bhagwan Mahavir and alive still today in the hearts of Enlightened Souls.

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Fri 25th May 2018

8 - 10 PM

Navnat Vanik Association, Printing House Lane, Hayes, UB3 1AR

This event is open to all. Registration is not required.

Language: Gujarati

Free of charge


Navnat Vanik Association

Printing House Lane, Hayes, UB3 1AR

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Women's Only Event: Me-time, always being connected to myself
12:15 am00:15

Women's Only Event: Me-time, always being connected to myself

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We all struggle to find time for ourselves given the pressures of modern life. How can spirituality teach us to slow down amidst it all, and enjoy every moment? What if all the time could feel like “me-time” despite being with others. 

In this practical talk by spiritual teachers Minalben and Lalitaben, we will explore how to stay connected to our true nature while mindfully playing our roles in society.  

Our inspiring speakers have both led extremely busy lives themselves, and will share their personal experiences about how they have risen above the limitations of time.

Wed 23rd May 2018

7:45 - 10 PM (Doors open at 7:30 PM)

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre, Chrischurch Avenue, Harrow, HA3 5BD (see map below)

This event is open to all women. Registration is not required.

Language: Gujarati and simple English.

Free of charge

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સ્થળઃ મેસફિલ્ડ

તારીખ: 23 મે 2018

સમય: 7:45pm -10:00pm

પાર્કિંગ ઉપલબ્ધ છે. (3 કલાક ફ્રી)

ભાષા: ગુજરાતી અને સિમ્પલ ઇંગલિશ 

રજીસ્ટ્રેશન ની જરૂર નથી. તમારા મિત્રો ને લાવશો।

મી - ટાઈમ : પોતાની જાત સાથે હંમેશા જોડાયેલા રહેવું.

તણાવયુક્ત આ આધુનિક જીવનમાં મોટા ભાગના મનુષ્યો પોતાના માટે સમય કાઢવો હોય તો સંઘર્ષ અનુભવે છે. પોતાની આંતરિક મનોદશા કે સ્વભાવ પ્રકૃતિ વિશે વિચાર સુધ્ધાં કરતા નથી. સવાલ એ છે કે આવી પરિસ્થિતિમાં જો આધ્યાત્મિક સમજણ લેવામાં આવે તો શું જીવનની દરેક ક્ષણને જાગૃતિપૂર્વક અને આનંદ સાથે જીવી શકાય? કોઈ પણ કાર્ય કરતાં વ્યવહાર અને વ્યવસાય મધ્યે શું હું સતત મારા અંતરાત્મા સાથે જોડાઈને રહી શકું ખરો?

પૂજ્ય મીનળબેન તથા પૂજ્ય લલિતાબેન અનુભવી માર્ગદર્શક છે. રોજિંદા જીવનમાં તેમનો પ્રયોગશીલ બોધ અપનાવીશું તો ઘણો લાભ થશે. જીવનમાં અપૂર્વ શાંતિ, અવિરત સમતા અને સ્થાઈ આનંદને પ્રાપ્ત કરી જીવનને ધન્ય બનાવી શકીશું. 

વ્યસ્ત જીવન જીવતા, પોતાની જવાબદારીઓ નિભાવતા છતાં તેઓ બંને જલકમલવત રહીને ઉત્કૃષ્ટ આધ્યાત્મિક જીવન જીવવા માટે શું પ્રયત્નો કરી રહ્યાં છે તેની વાત તેઓ પોતાના જીવન અનુભવો અને પ્રસંગો દ્વારા કહેશે. 

ખોવાઇ ગયેલા હું ને શોધવો હોય તો જરૂરથી પધારશો.

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre

Christchurch Ave, Harrow HA3 5BD

Masefield Suite is on the first floor of Harrow Leisure Centre. When you arrive ask at reception to be allowed through the electronic gates.

Plenty of parking is available in the car park. This is free for 3 hours after which you must pay. Please note you have to display a ticket even for the free 3 hours. If you overrun your ticket you will be liable to a penalty so be careful and note the timing of your parking. You may return later in the day and park for a further 3 hours parking for free (e.g. for morning and evening swadhyays)


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South London Swadhyay: Invaluable Thoughts on Reality
12:30 am00:30

South London Swadhyay: Invaluable Thoughts on Reality

Amulya Tattva Vichar: A poem inspiring purpose and dedication.

For infinite time reality has eluded us. Lost in delusion we have aimlessly wandered from birth to birth…

Who am I? From where have I come? What is my true nature?

It is a rare encounter with Truth that wakes us from slumber and brings reality into acute attention. This electrifying jolt of realisation can energise us to realise the self - separate from the body and mind. Such a deeply peaceful consciousness, everlasting bliss and an unfathomable font of knowledge and awareness suddenly becomes attainable. It is not just a concept or theory, but an experience of the self that is within our grasp.

Let us reach out and utilise this wonderous opportunity.

Param Pujya Bhaishree, spiritual head of Shree Raj Saubhag Ashram, will share his insights on the path of self-realisation, illuminated by Bhagwan Mahavir and alive still today in the hearts of Enlightened Souls.

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Tues 22nd May 2018

8 - 10 PM

Harris Academy Purley, Kendra Hall Road, South Croydon, CR2 6DT (see map below)

This event is open to all. Registration is not required.

Language: Gujarati

Free of charge

Harris Academy Purley

Kendra Hall Road, South Croydon, CR2 6DT

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to 1 Jun

General Swadhyays, Niranjan Film Showcase & Shibir

General Swadhyays

Mon 21st May: Morning: 10 - 12 noon (Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre)

Mon 21st May: Evening: 8 - 10PM (Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre)

Wed 23rd May: Morning: 10 - 12 noon (Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre)

Thurs 24th May: Morning: 10 - 12 noon (Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre)

Fri 25th May: Morning: 10 - 12 noon (Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre)

Sun 27th May: Morning: 10 - 12 noon (Avanti House School)

Sun 27th May: Evening: 7 - 9 PM (Avanti House School). Niranjan Film showcase followed by swadhyay.

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

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Niranjan Film Showcase

Sun 27th May 2018

Timing: 7 - 7:40 PM Film Showcase, followed by swadhyay and bhakti from 7:45 - 9PM

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

We will be showcasing the film ‘Niranjan - In Love with Truth’, which follows Bhaishree’s journey and his inner quest. 

The film, made to celebrate Bhaishree’s 75th birthday, provides a unique window into his life events, many of which will make you laugh, or cry, or perhaps inspire you to close your eyes and dive deep into meditation.

(The film is in Gujarati with English subtitles.)

The film will be followed by Param Pujya Bhaishree’s swadhyay and bhakti.

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Shibir: The Shelter of Wisdom

Updesh Chaaya

5 days

Mon - Fri 28th May - 1st June 2018

Time: 9:30 AM - 5 PM

Venue: Avanti House School (see map)

Registration required.

Here is a rare opportunity to dedicate five days to your spiritual well-being. This retreat will allow us to immerse ourselves in the exploration of timeless wisdom, highly applicable to our modern lives. The subject will be the text “Updesh Chhaaya” which means the shelter of wisdom. It explores how spiritual insights can provide relief and build our resilience in the face of the turmoil and sorrows of worldly life. This text is a collection of quotations from the self-realised saint and poet, Shrimad Rajchandra. We are blessed to have an living enlightened master, Bhaishree, head of the Raj Saubhag Ashram, gently and compassionately explain the meaning of the text to us, taking us to greater depths of understanding.

Shrimad Rajchandra was a modern man who lives mostly in Mumbai in the 1900s. His presence and teachings impacted our history significantly through his benign influence on Gandhiji and via his impact on Jain society and thought. His insights at informal gatherings were collected and published in this text that we will be studying at the retreat.

New Seekers Welcome

Those who are new to spirituality and those not yet instructed in meditation by Param Pujya Bhaishree, are very welcome.  While meditation sessions take place, you will have the insightful and interactive sessions with two senior teachers at the Ashram, Minalben Shah and Vikrambhai Shah, several times a day for all five days. These will help you strengthen your spiritual foundations and explore, questions you may have.

This five day retreat will include several hours of swadhyay in which the text is explored and contemplated and meditation for those instructed by Param Pujya Bhaishree.  A Jain vegetarian, vegan-friendly, lunch will provided.

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre

Christchurch Ave, Harrow HA3 5BD

Masefield Suite is on the first floor of Harrow Leisure Centre. When you arrive ask at reception to be allowed through the electronic gates.

Plenty of parking is available in the car park. This is free for 3 hours after which you must pay. Please note you have to display a ticket even for the free 3 hours. If you overrun your ticket you will be liable to a penalty so be careful and note the timing of your parking. You may return later in the day and park for a further 3 hours parking for free (e.g. for morning and evening swadhyays)

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Avanti House School

Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Parking is available at the school and on public roads outside the school. Please ensure you read the street signs carefully and note restrictions, park safely and be mindful of our neighbours.

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Avanti School Map.jpg
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to 21 May

Niranjan Amrut Utsav: UK Welcome & Birthday Celebration

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Avanti House School, Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

This event is open to all Mumukshus and Jignashus attending regular Raj Saubhag swadhyay.

Cost: £15 per person (includes dinner)

4:30 - 9:30 PM

Registration Required

We welcome Param Pujya Bhaishree, Br. Minalben, Br Vikrambhai, Br. Rasikbhai, Br. Lalitaben and Atmarthi Rohitbhai to the UK as we begin this 3 week Dharmayatra.

We also gather to celebrate Bhaishree's 75th Birthday. We celebrate his divine virtues, his humble presence, his illuminating discourses (bodh), his sweet smile and his unending selfless love.

This event promises to be overwhelming in bhakti, insightful into Bhaishree's spiritual journey and inspiring for all of us to recognise his inner wonder. We will be showcasing the film 'Niranjan - In Love with Truth', which follows Bhaishree's journey and his inner quest. It may reveal many aspects of Bhaishree that many of us never knew about before. The film provides a unique window into Bhaishree's life events, many of which will make you laugh, or cry, or perhaps inspire you to close your eyes and dive deep in meditation. The evening will also display the wonderful talent of our dancers Nilpa and Naytika as they dance in celebration of our Satguru.

* The film is in Gujarati. We will be showing a subtitled version of this film publicly on Sunday 27th May 2018 at 7pm at Avanti House School.

We warmly invite you to join us in Celebration and Satsang. The event is open to our Raj Saubhag Mumukhsu and those spiritually interested souls who attend regular Raj Saubhag swadhyays in London.

Avanti House School

Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Parking is available at the school and on public roads outside the school. Please ensure you read the street signs carefully and note restrictions, park safely and be mindful of our neighbours.

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Avanti School Map.jpg
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to 1 Jun

Param Pujya Bhaishree's 2018 UK Dharma Yatra

We are immensely blessed to have in our lives a saint of such simplicity and greatness. For details of Param Pujya Bhaishree's Dharmayatra to the UK scroll down. You can click on the various individual events to find out more. Scroll down a bit further for a full timetable of events.

Registration is required for the Welcome/Birthday Celebration, Young Jains Event (through YJ - click on the event link above), Shibir, Farewell Dinner, Children's Event and Workshop, Young Adult's Event and Spiritual Parenting. Please click on the button below to register.

If you would like to pay by cash or cheque then please fill out a paper registration form which you can download and print from here.

Timetable of Events

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Avanti House School

Wemborough Road, HA7 2EQ (Behind Whitchurch Primary School) (see map below)

Parking is available at the school for free and on public roads outside the school. There is overflow parking just outside the school which is council run and is charged at 20p/hr. Please ensure you read the street signs carefully and note restrictions, park safely and be mindful of neighbours and other drivers.

Avanti School Map.jpg
Avanti house school large map.jpg

Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre

Christchurch Ave, Harrow HA3 5BD

Masefield Suite is on the first floor of Harrow Leisure Centre. When you arrive ask at reception to be allowed through the electronic gates.

Plenty of parking is available in the car park. This is free for 3 hours after which you must pay. Please note you have to display a ticket even for the free 3 hours. If you overrun your ticket you will be liable to a penalty so be careful and note the timing of your parking. You may return later in the day and park for a further 3 hours parking for free (e.g. for morning and evening swadhyays)

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Costs and ways to make your payment

Payment can be done in 3 ways:

1. Cash or cheque to committee members at your local swadhyay. If you are paying in cash/cheque then please enclose a paper registration form which you can download here.

2. Bank Transfer (Preferable - no cost to us)

Barclays Bank
Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal UK
Account number: 03240223
Sort code: 20 29 37
- Please use the reference: DY18Firstname,middleinitial,surname (e.g. DY18ajaymsanghvi)
** if you are paying for multiple people in one payment please drop us an email with the names of all the registrants for that payment:

3. Debit/Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay)

- Please calculate the total amount (you can pay for multiple people and all events and CD costs in one payment) and then pay by debit/credit card here online. 

Pay online here

Cost Summary (per person):

Welcome / Birthday Celebration:      £15
Shibir (Full five days + Farewell):      £105
Shibir single days (each day)             £20
Farewell dinner only                           £5

Audio CD recording of swadhyays    £3

Therefore payment for all welcome, shibir, farewell and for CD would be £123 per person.


If you have any questions please email or

Once your payment has been received we will send you a confirmation email of your registration.

Contact Us

If you have any questions feel free to contacts us:

Jaysukhbhai Mehta:  tel: 07830 294060
Ashik Shah:                tel: 07956 463309

Ila Shah:                                tel: 07982 007461
Ajay Sanghvi:          tel: 07878 420269

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Kartiki Punam: UK Celebration of Shrimad Rajchandra's Birth Anniversary
3:00 pm15:00

Kartiki Punam: UK Celebration of Shrimad Rajchandra's Birth Anniversary


Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad Rajchandra was born on the full moon of Kartik 150 years ago.  We cannot even begin to express our gratitude and love for this great soul.

To mark this wonderful anniversary, Raj Saubhag UK will gather together for a morning of devotion and contemplation.  More details to follow.

The event will be followed by a Joyful Service Huddle from 2-6pm

Date: tbc

Venue: Harrow District Masonic Centre, Northwick Circle, Kenton HA3 0EL

Timings: 9:30 AM - 2 PM

Those with Dhyan, should be settled by 9.15.

Dhyan : 9:30 - 10:15 AM
Swadhyay and Bhakti : 10:30 - 12:30 PM
Lunch : 12:30 onwards

Cost contribution: £10 per person. Lunch included.

Volunteers Huddle: 2 - 6PM (Volunteers planning session - please let us know you are attending by filling out this doodle separately).

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Registration Form

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4:30 pm16:30

[UK] Vegan BBQ at Hugletts Wood Farm Animal Sanctuary on August 13th

Hugletts Wood Farm Animal Sanctuary has been providing sanctuary for cows and their friends for over twenty years.  Many of our mumukshus have visited before.

They are currently raising funds to purchase a telehandler, to help them lift sick or injured animals, and this Vegan BBQ event is to help raise funds for it.  Tickets are £10.

Raj Saubhag UK has managed to book 25 places for our member for this event which is already sold out like most of their events this year.  The catering will be Vegan, but the organisers are aware of Jain dietary requirements, so please indicate your preferences when registering.  Please register by completing the form below.

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1:30 pm13:30

UK Guru Purnima Celebrations 2017

UK Guru Purnima Celebrations

Date: Sunday 9th July 2017


Volunteers Meeting 10am-12pm

Guru Purnima Celebrations: 12pm-5pm

Location: Harrow District Masonic Lodge, Northwick Circle, Harrow, HA3 OEL

Registration required, £10 per person.

Contact: Jaysukhbhai Mehta

07830 294060

અહો શ્રી સત્પુરુષકે વચનામૃતમ્ જગિહતકરમ્,
મુદ્રા અરુ સત્ સમાગમ સુિત ચેતના જગૃતકરમ્;

Behold the nectar-like words of the personification of truth (satpurush), which uplift the world.
His divine countenance and his company awaken the slumbering consciousness.

Guru Purnima marks a day when we celebrate the presence in our lives of a living true guru, Param Pujya Bhaishree.

Without our Gurudev, how would we know the path to moksha?  How would we learn to turn inwards?  How would we remove faults and cultivate virtues?  To whom could we surrender our સ્વચ્છંદ, hubris?

Raj Saubhag UK invites you to join us on Sunday 9th July to honour Bhaishree's presence and express the joy.

The volunteers circle is a meeting to openly share and discuss our plans as an organisation, particularly with Br. Minalben's upcoming visit and Param Pujya Bhaishree's Dharma Yatra.

With volunteers circle from 10.00-12.00, the Guru Purnima celebrations will be a half day event from 12.00 to 17.00 in Harrow and cost £10.  To register, please do so at your local swadhyay, by contacting a committee member or by completing the form below.

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London Marathon 2020
10:30 am10:30

London Marathon 2020

Virgin Money London Marathon 2017

Run for Raj Saubhag UK

23rd April 2017

Fulfil that lifelong dream. Train hard, break boundaries, build willpower, raise money and overcome those mental and physical hurdles to achieve something outstanding. Run the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon.

Raj Saubhag UK has been awarded a charity place for the 2017 Virgin Money London Marathon on the 23rd of April 2017.

We warmly invite all those interested runners to apply for this place by clicking below (Deadline for applications 31st December 2017). Help us raise money for the outstanding Raj Saubhag Humanitarian activities, our target is to raise over £1000 for these worthy causes.

Application deadline: 31st December 2017 - NOW CLOSED

Any questions email:

Why should you join Team Raj Saubhag?

We will be with you from the moment you register to the time you cross the finishing line:

  • Supported training - tips, magazines, newsletters and group training events

  • A running vest - especially for you

  • Fundraising advice and a dedicated fundraising page online

  • 'Meet the Experts' event held by Virgin Money London Marathon - free entry (Expert talks, celebrity interviews, fundraising masterclass, how to prepare - training advice)

  • Refreshments to help you recover after the race

  • Massage - well deserved to help you get home after the race

Be part of something amazing

Some of our requirements:

  • We ask that runners are dedicated to the race and train appropriately in accordance with guidelines to avoid injury (Raj Saubhag cannot be responsible for any injury sustained)

  • If you are chosen as the Raj Saubhag runner you must complete the entry process with the London Marathon and register online prior to the deadline of 17:00 Friday 3rd February 2017

  • The Raj Saubhag Charity runner will have to pay the London Marathon administration charge of £330 + vat seperate to their fundraising efforts and targets

  • Runners have the amazing opportunity to help us raise money towards the Raj Saubhag Humanitarian projects around the world. We invite you to put all your efforts into this worthy cause and work hard towards your fundraising target. We hope to raise over £1000 for these worthy causes.

  • The Raj Saubhag runner must attend the Virgin Money London Marathon Expo in the four days prior to the marathon to collect their race pack. Race Packs must be collected beforehand and the pack contains the runner's race number, timing chip and other important information. The runner must take a form of photo I.D. and completed registration form to collect their race pack. Without these documents you cannot pick up your pack. The expo closes 17:00 Sat 22nd April on the eve of the race so race packs must be collected before this deadline. If you cannot collect you pack then let us know and we can help arrange something.

Find out more about our amazing Humanitarian charitable projects by clicking here

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UK Weekend Retreat 2016
to 6 Nov

UK Weekend Retreat 2016

Away from everyday distractions this retreat provides a wonderful environment to reflect on our life’s purpose and be enegised on our spiritual quest. We will be collectively exploring practical tools that help us find and keep internal balance, peace and stillness amidst the chaos of life.

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UK - Weekend Meditation Shibir October 2016
to 9 Oct

UK - Weekend Meditation Shibir October 2016

A 2 day weekend shibir will be held in London this October 2016.

The daily schedule will include three meditation sessions and two Satsangs which will be recordings of Param Pujya Bhaishree's talks on the special letters from the Vachanamrut. So as to help us all delve deeper within ourselves, this will be a silent retreat and all are requested to comply with this sincerely. 

Dates : Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th October 2016

Time : 9:15 AM to 4:45 PM

Venue : Harrow District Masonic Lodge, Northwick Circle, Harrow, HA3 0E

Schedule : 

9:15 AM : Arrival
9:30 - 10:15 : Meditation 1
10:30 - 12:00 : Satsang 1
12:15 - 13:00 : Meditation 2
13:00 - 14:30 : Lunch
14:30 - 15:45 : Satsang 2
16:00 - 16:45 : Meditation 3

*Those who have not been initiated in meditation are requested to arrive just after 10:15 and will be able to leave at 15:45 after the second Satsang

Cost Contribution : £20 for the entire weekend & £10 for a single day. This will include a simple lunch on both days.

Registration : Please register with any committee member or online below. Your timely registration will assist in the smooth organisation of this event. 

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