Gurupurnima is the day we pay homage at the feet of our enlightened Guru Param Pujya Bhaishree. Due to the restrictions this year - the 3 day celebration will be online.
Day 1 - Sat 4th July
Following the daily routine of Param Pujya Bapuji.
Follow in his footsteps for this day…and for a lifetime.
6am - Param Pujya Bapuji wakes and does morning exercises. Join him with his exercises.
6:30am - Agnabhakti.
Bapuji enters after Yam Niyam so please complete your own Agnabhakti uptil this point.
7am - Bapuji's Tilak and Haar Ceremony and Bhakti Pad
7:30am - Vandan at Saubhag Smruti and morning walk.
8am - Breakfast. Join Bapuji on his breakfast table.
9am - Puja and Chaityavandan
Mumukshus doing morning dhyan
Bapuji is read some of the headlines from the Newspaper
9:30am - Interview with Br Bhupatbhai by Hiren Boradia
Br Bhupatbhai shares his insights and inspirations from his time with Param Pujya Bapuji.
11:00am - Param Pujya Bapuji's swadhyay
4pm - Samuh Dhyan with Param Pujya Bhaishree
All sadhaks across the world are invited to join Bhaishree for a 1 hour dhyan at this time. He will start with Ashirvachan at 4pm promptly
7pm - Aarti, Mangal Divo
8pm - Bapuji's words of inspiration - the importance of this human birth.
8pm Evening Bhakti
Bapuji Charane Amaru Chitadu Rame
Br Minalben
Tumato Yahin Kahin Satguru Mere Aas Paas Ho
Br Vikrambhai, Hiren
Om Namo Bhagavant Sadguru Deva
Mama Sadguru Charana Sada Sharanam
Day 2 - Sun 5th July - Gurupurnima Day
Live Online Gurupurnima Celebration
Param Pujya Bhaishree's Interview
- Straight from the heart Param Pujya Bhaishree was interviewed by Dharmeshbhai a few years ago during a Holi event. We are happy to share this interview with you here today on this auspicious celebration of Gurupurnima.
Day 3 - Satsang with Guruma
Interview with Br Minalben by Shilpa Jasani
Br Minalben shares her insights and inspirations from her time with Param Pujya Guruma.
Param Pujya Guruma’s Swadhyay
Topic 1: Chotam ni Vani - Atma Anatma Vivek
(starts at the beginning of the video)
Topic 2: Gnansar - Moh tyag Ashtak
(starts at 12 mins in video)
Page 48
Upadhyay Shree Yashovijayji Maharaj Saheb
Topic 3: Adhyatmasar: Vairagya Vishay Adhikar
(starts at 22 mins in the video)
Guruma continues from Shlok 14 page 107
2nd Prabandh, Adhikaar 7 - Vairagya Vishay Adhikar
Upadhyay Shree Yashovijayji Maharaj Saheb
Devoted Listening Embodied - Poem by Br Minalben
As we celebrate Guru Purnima, we have the opportunity to recollect the virtues of Param Pujya Guruma, as expressed by Brahmnishth Minalben. The still, silent, striving Guruma embodied Shravan Bhakti, devoted listening, as this moving poem explains.
In Veneration, we bow at your lotus feet Gurumaa.
In Silence her Soul we find, A divine gleam of a mother so kind.
Consciousness she kept manifesting, Peacefully quiet she kept resting.
She sat on the armchair doing nothing, No one knew, how heaps of karmas she kept busting.
Wealth in abundance all around, Yet true treasures within she found.
Like a lotus in a pond, she remained untouched, In blissful privacy she remained clutched.
Drenched in Bapujis' holy showers, By deep contemplation she empowers.
From letters of vachanamrut, she gained insights, In meditation, like a sheath, the body divides.
Gnansaar and Adhyatmasaar were her favourite texts, A pinnacle of spirituality she apexed. Today we promise to strive, By living your virtues we shall keep you alive.
- Br Vikrambhai
Dedication by Dubai Mumukshus
Dedication by Dubai Yuva